Mallet Finger key SS is inability to...
Drop Wrist Deformity is...
radial nerve injury causing weakness or paralysis of wrist and finger EXT causing wrist drop form
anatomy and clinical significance of Zone 1
EXT pollicis brevis, ABD pollicis longus, anatomical snuff box
DeQuervain's Disease and scaphoid Fx occur here
Boxer's Fx (Description & Special Test)
Fx of the 5th metacarpal - will have (+) Murphy's Sign
Trigger Finger is...
tenosynovitis of flexor tendons of hand and fingers causing tendon to get "stuck" in nodule
Claw Hand is...
hyperextension of the MCP, flexion of the PIP and DIP caused by injury to ULNAR N.
anatomy and clinical significance of zone 2
Tunnel 3: EXT pollicis longus
Tunnel 4: EXT digitorum, EXT indicis
EPL may rupture w/colle's Fx, EXT Indicis site of ganglion cyst
Colle's Fx (description & MOI)
dorsal displacement Fx of the radius and ulna in relation to the proximal shaft
Jersey Finger is...
ruptured flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon causing inability to flex DIP
Ape Hand Deformity is...
median nerve dysfunction causing thumb to be aligned with fingers (weak opposition)
anatomy and clinical significance of Zone 3
Tunnel 5: EXT digiti minimi
Tunnel 6: EXT carpi ulnaris
"Hex Sign" (EDM), ECU - tendonitis
Smith's Fx (description & MOI)
volar displacement Fx of the distal radius and ulna to the proximal shaft
MOI = fall onto BACK of hand
Swan Neck Deformity is...
hyperextension of PIP, flexion of DIP
Bishop's Hand Deformity is...
injury to high median nerve causing partial flexion of digits 4-5, and EXT of digits 1-3 during active flexion
anatomy and clinical significance of Zone 4
Flexor carpi ulnaris, tunnel of guyon, pisiform, hook of hamate
TOG - site of Ulnar N compression, common in cycling
Hook of Hamate Fx - more common batting
Ulnar N. runs btwn hook of hamate and pisiform
Bennett's Fx (description & MOI)
Fx to base of 1st MC
MOI = striking an object with a closed fist
Boutonniere Deformity is...
extension of MCP, flexion of PIP, hyperextension of DIP
not really a deformity LOL, but Gamekeeper's Thumb is...
sprain to the UCL of the MCP joint of the thumb
anatomy and clinical significance of zone 5
palmaris longus and carpal tunnel (defined by pisiform, scaphoid tubercle, hook of hamate, trapezium tubercle)
PL tendon used as graft in tommy john surgery
carpal tunnel houses median N - compressed in CTS
Barton's Fx
intra-articular Fx of the distal radius w/Dx of the radiocarpal joint (Fx goes through the AC of the distal radius)