This fastest land animal.
What is Cheetah?
The language spoken in France.
This number is 17+10.
What is 27?
This word means "hello" in Spanish.
What is Hola?
This country has the Eiffel Tower.
What is France?
The king of the jungle.
What is Lion?
This language is spoken in Spain.
What is Spanish?
This number is 15+19.
What is 34?
This word means "thank you" in Portuguese.
What is Obrigado?
This country has Big Ben.
What is England?
This animal sleeps for up to 22 hours a day.
What is Koala?
What is Irish and English?
This number is 150-16.
What is 134?
This word means "hello" in Hawaiian.
What is Aloha?
This country has Niagara Falls.
This animal has white fur, big paws, and lives in the Arctic.
What is Polar Bear.
These two languages are spoken in Canada.
What is French and English?
This number is 290-15+10.
What is 285?
This word means "animals" in Hawaiian.
What is Holoholona?
This country has Mount Fuji.
What is Japan?
This animal cannot walk backwards.
What is Kangaroo?
What is English?
This number is 15x3.
What is 45?
This phrase means "how are you?" in French.
What is Comment Vas-tu?
What is Egypt?