Puzzle Pieces
09-02 Memo
Correction of Non-Compliance
Cinematic Non-Compliance
There are these many puzzle pieces in a general supervision system.
What is eight?
The memo discusses the four determination statuses. States can be in Meets Requirements, Needs Intervention, Needs Substantial Intervention or this.
What is Needs Assistance?
The "two prongs of correction" a State must follow identify correcting systemic non-compliance and this.
What is individual non-compliance?
A finding must include the regulation citation and qualitative or quantitative evidence, also known as this.
What are data?
In this John Hughes film, five teenagers spend their Saturday in detention based on non-compliant behavior.
What is The Breakfast Club?
This part of the general supervision system deals with how IDEA monies are allocated, distributed, and used.
What is integrated fiscal accountability?
The memo states that a State must identify where non-compliance occurred, the percentage level of non-compliance at those sites and this--also known as the reason(s) why the non-compliance occurred.
What is root cause(s)?
A written notification from the State to a local educational agency (LEA) or early intervention services (EIS) program that contains the State’s conclusion that the LEA or EIS program is in noncompliance.
What is a finding?
States have the right to choose how finding are counted. States can choose to group individual instances involving the same legal requirement or standard together as one finding or they may do this.
What is count each individual finding as a separate instance?
Sally Field has had enough and chooses to be non-compliant with the textile company's policies in this 1979 film.
What is Norma Rae?
Monitoring processes that combine the use of desk audits, onsite monitoring, database analysis, and self-assessments are said to be this.
What is integrated?
The memo suggests that non-compliance can be corrected by a State or a local program changing these, also known as the 3 p's.
What are policies, practices, and procedures?
If a State finds noncompliance in an LEA or EIS program, it must notify the LEA or EIS program in writing of the noncompliance, and of the requirement that the noncompliance be corrected as soon as possible, and in no case more than this period of time after the State’s identification (i.e., the date on which the State provided written notification to the LEA or EIS program of the noncompliance).
What is one year?
Findings must be made on statutes and regulations as well as these additional OSEP guidelines.
What are related requirements?
In this film, as much as Jim Carrey tries to be a non-compliant lawyer, his son's wish makes him always tell the truth.
What is Liar, Liar?
This part of general supervision includes mediation, resolution sessions and hearings.
What is effective dispute resolution?
For non-compliance related to timeline mandates (e.g., B12 and C8), this is the only instance when States may not have to correct individual non-compliance.
What is the child leaves the jurisdiction?
The timeline for the correction of non-compliance begins at this point.
What is on the date on which the State informs an LEA or EIS program in writing that it has concluded that the LEA or EIS program is in noncompliance?
OSEP recommends this timeline for making findings, once non-compliance has been identified.
What is less than three months from discovery?
Tim Robbins displays non-compliant behavior by playing an aria over the intercom system in this movie.
What is The Shawshank Redemption?
A lower determination status, withholding of or gaining additional funds, and targeted technical assistance are all included in this piece of the puzzle.
What is improvement, correction, incentives, and sanctions?
If a local program fails to correct non-compliance within one year, but is able to correct a few months after that one year period, that process is known as this.
What is subsequent correction?
The process by which the State examines and assures that correction has actually occurred.
What is verification of correction?
Under what circumstance may a State choose NOT to make a finding, once non-compliance has been identified.
What is when a program immediately (i.e., before the State issues a finding) corrects noncompliance and provides documentation of such correction.
Ben Kingsley is the epitome of non-violent, non-compliance in this 1982 film.
What is Gandhi?