4 feet
Height at which every worker must be tied off?
What is 6 feet?
Flow of energy from one place to another
What is electricity?
Safety Data Sheets acronym
What are SDS(s)?
Decibels level requiring workers to wear hearing protection.
What is 90 dBA?
One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards (Unsanitary, Hazardous and Dangerous Conditions) and has the authority to take corrective measures
What is a competent person?
Distance you must keep away from power lines?
What is 10 feet?
Travel distance to nearest fire extinguisher.
What is 100 feet?
Known as the ABC's of PFAS.
What are anchorage points, body harnesses and connectors?
Weight required of supporting a personal fall arrest system (PFAS).
What is 5000 pounds?
The amount of time required to trip a GFCI.
What is a 1/40 of a second?
New silica rule implemented in September 2017.
What is 1926.1153?
The last level of hierarchy of control when protecting employees from Workplace Hazards.
What is PPE?
PFAS, Safety Nets and Guardrails.
What are types of fall protection?
The amount of current that can cause death.
What is 75 mA (milliamperes)?
The 2 types of scaffolds.
What are Supported and Suspended?
Use PPE in accordance with training received and other instructions and inspect daily and maintain in a clean and reliable condition.
What are employee responsibilities?
Known as the Hierarchy of Fall Hazard Control.
What are Eliminate, Prevent and Control?
Known as the four main types of electrical injuries.
What is Electrocution, Shock, Burns and Falls?
3 individuals responsible for confined space operations.
Who are Entrants, Attendants and Supervisors?
Assess workplace for hazards, Provide PPE, Determine when to use, Provide PPE training for employees and instruction in proper use.
What are employer responsibilities?