Coping Skills
Just for Fun

How long can horses live? 

Up to 30 years, but the oldest horse that ever lived was 62!!


Sometimes these can be really big and cause us to act out, and sometimes they can be very small and we don't even notice we are reacting to them. 



These can be healthy (things that help us) and sometimes they can be unhealthy (making things worse or just not changing anything).

coping skills

A friend that you were looking forward to seeing has to cancel at the last minute. How does this make you feel? What can you do to feel better? 

disappointed, frustrated, upset

do something fun, hang out with someone else, do something for yourself that you've been wanting to do, write about your feelings or draw a picture


This insect can lift up to 50 times it's body weight.

An ant


How many breeds of horses are there?

over 600


You might feel this way if you have to stand up to someone that makes you uncomfortable.



Name 3 things you can do if you feel nervous.

take deep slow breaths, take a walk/exercise, write in a journal, talk to someone, listen to music, meditate, use a fidget


You worked really hard on a project for school and a sibling did something to mess it up. How do you feel and what do you do about it? 

angry, upset, sad, frustrated

take a minute away, breathe, explain to them that what they did was hurtful, ask them to help you fix it, ask someone else for help, count to ten and figure out what to do next


This animal never sleeps. 

A bullfrog


Why do we use horses for therapy? 

they just listen and let us experience our emotions without judgement


You might feel this way if your face gets warm, you feel like you have a knot in your stomach, you don't want people looking at you and you want to hide.



Who are people you can talk to when you feel upset? 

trusted adults (parent/grandparent, teacher/counselor), close friends, pet


You can tell a close friend is really upset about something and you are worried about them. What can you do to help them.

Tell them that you care about them, ask if they want to talk about what's bothering them, offer to just sit with them and do something like listen to music or play a game.


This animal lays the largest eggs. 

An ostrich


What are some things you can do with a horse during a session? 

Hang out with them in the pasture/pen, brush them in the stall and talk to them, do an activity in the arena, ride them, watch them and see how they act with other horses, walk them 


You might feel this way if you can't sit still, your heart is racing, you feel like you have bees in your head and or butterflies in your stomach.

Anxious, nervous, excited, scared


What are 3 unhealthy or unhelpful coping skills people might use? 

ignoring, yelling, hitting/kicking/pushing, saying hurtful things, hiding 


You're angry with your brother/sister and feel like your parents never listen to you and always side with them. What can you do? 

Try talking with your parents when you aren't upset about what to do when a problem comes up. Talk with your brother or sister about things that you can do differently to avoid conflict. Make a list of things you can do when you get upset to help you feel better.


This ocean animal has 3 hearts. 

An octopus.


What are some things horses do that help us in our sessions? 

Horses can mirror our energy helping us to be aware of our feelings. Horses can have a calming effect on people. Horses don't care if we have done something wrong. Horses teach us to understand and communicate using body language.


You might feel this way if your face gets hot, your forehead, jaw and muscles get tight, your hands clench and you can't think straight

Angry, furious, upset


How do we get better at using healthy/helpful coping skills? 

Practice when it's easy so it's easy when it's hard!

Make visuals or lists to help us when we aren't thinking straight.

Ask people we trust to remind us when we need them. 


You have heard that a friend of yours doesn't want to hang out with you anymore. You blame someone else for this and ignore your friend. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?

Unhealthy, what could you do? 


What color is a polar bear's skin? 

