If you notice OS has an IE when you wake him up but you are unsure if it was overnight or not, which shift are you putting the IE into?
Morning shift
When do you start collecting data?
As soon as your shift starts
What does PA stand for ?
Physical Aggression
What does SIB stand for ?
Self-injurious behaviour
JF head bangs against the wall hard enough to cause damage, she is close to the SITO doors. What containment can you try to get her into SITO?
Modified escort
stage 2,3
What should you take with you on every outing with OS?
The black data tablet
What is the calm timer used for ?
To time JF's 2 minutes of calm when she is in a stage 3 behaviour or to time how long she has been in stage 2 before we can give her PRN
How do you start a new session on the data tablets ?
Click OS or JF
Click start new session
write the name of the session (7-3, 3-11, 11-7)
press create
JF engages in stage 3 behaviours and staff are able to use a stage 2 to get her into SITO, once in SITO JF stays calm for 2 minutes and exists. What data do you need to collect?
- the behaviours the led her into SITO
- SITO frequency/ duration
- stage 2 frequency
- SITO monitoring
- any behaviours she us engaging in during SITO, head banging, SIBs, etc
Where is the skills program data?
JF hits herself in the head 3 times, 5 seconds pass she hits herself again and then 10 seconds pass she hits herself again. How many instances of SIB are you inputting?
When is data inputted ?
At the end of the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7
Who is shift 1? 2? and 3?
Shift 1 - 7-3
Shift 2 - 3-11
Shift 3 - 11-7
OS hits his lead staff, staff calls for a SMG wall hold and 2 staff engage in a modified escort into a wall hold, OS flops to the floor and you transition into supine. What data are you collecting on the tablet?
1 PA
Mod escort frequency
wall hold frequency and duration
supine frequency and duration
Who can I ask if I am confused on the skills programs?
Clinical staff, Sofia, Liz, Eric, Olivia, Brittany,
If all the SITO monitoring sheets are full how do I add a new one?
Copy and past an old sheet, reorder, recolour, and rename for the correct date
If you notice you used the last one PLEASE make more
What do you do if you have 2 sessions per shift?
Add them together when you are inputting the data
What is sleep data and who is responsible for inputting sleep data?
Sleep data is the time an individual is spent sleeping
EVERYONE is responsible for inputting sleep data, if JF or OS is sleeping on your shift please input the sleep data
When you engage in a M-Chair containment, what data do you need to record ?
M- Chair (Frequency/Duration)
What caused the M chair containment
Circulation checks
On the data tablet you have 475 seconds for a seated wall containment, how would you figure out how long that containment was in minutes ? speak your work
475/60 = 7.9
JF hits herself in the head 6 times in 10 seconds and then 10 seconds pass and she engages in 2 head bangs in 10 seconds, 10 seconds pass and she engages in 1 head bang. What data are you collecting and what stage is she in and why?
1 instances of SIB
3 head bangs
stage 2 because she did not head bang 3 times in 10 seconds
Walk me through how to go back and look at a previous session when someone has already switched over the data?
You will have to pause the currently session and save it, go back to my sessions and look at the previous session
If the previous shift forgot to submit their data, what are you doing?
What containment are they getting ready for?