In JRR Tolkien's Most Famous Work This Peak Is Where The Ring Was Forged & The Only Place It Can Be Destroyed.
What is Mountain Doom?
Snoopy's Owner Who's A Large Forest-Dwelling Ursine Creature
What is Charlie Brown Bear?
In 1599, this open-air theatre opened on the south bank of the Thames River.
What is The Globe Theatre?
In 1999 Shigetaka Kurita invented these keyboard additions for cell phones that would eventually replace emoticons and even get their own movie.
What Are Emojis?
The Stonewall Inn was one of the most popular gay bars in New York City up until the Stonewall Uprising in This Year.
When is 1969?
In Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series The World is A Disc Carried On The Back Of A Turtle and Four Of These Creatures.
What Is Elephants?
Celestial Body Of Extremely Intense Gravity That Scores An Ace In Golf.
What Is A Black Hole-In-One?
Shakespeare wrote 154 of these fourteen-line poems.
What are sonnets?
While building magnetrons at MIT in the 1940s, Percy Spencer noticed a melting chocolate bar in his pocket. Deeper investigation and exploration led to the invention of this Household device. Spencer received no royalties for this invention, first marketed as the Radarange.
What Is A Microwave?
In This Year President Obama Made Stonewall Inn A National Park.
What is 2016?
In Frank Herbert's Dune House Atreides Are Given The Fief of The Planet Arrakis, Where The All Important Spice Comes From, Which Was Previously Ruled By This Noble House.
What Is House Harkonnen?
Conflict between the U.S. & the Soviet Union from the 1940s to the 1990s that’s a science fiction novel by H.G. Wells.
What is The Cold War of Worlds?
*Daily Double*
This Cheapside inn was a regular haunt of Shakespeare and his cronies.
What is the Mermaid Tavern?
Although the exact origin is unknown, this piece of technology and calculating tool used beans or stones moved in grooves of sand to perform calculations.
What Is An Abacus?
After The Stonewall Uprising Sparked A Modern LTGBQ Rights Movement Which Created Many Gay Rights Organizations Including: Human Rights Campaign GLAAD, PFLAG, and ____.
What is The Gay Liberation Front?
In L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Emerald City Gets Its Name For This Reason.
What is Emerald Glasses?
Night Sack For a Snoozing Boy Scout That's The Set of Skills Available To Someone Like A Magician
What Is A Sleeping Bag of Tricks?
This jokester and comic glutton of Shakespeare's Henry IV plays was so popular that Shakespeare wrote him his own play, reportedly at the request of Elizabeth I.
Who Is Falstaff?
Technology Is Filled with Many Acronyms Like www Meaning World Wide Web And HTML Meaning This.
What Is Hypertext Markup Language?
During February 2025 The US Park Service Erases Mention Of These Two LGBTQ Identities From The Stonewall National Monument Website.
What is Transgender and Queer?
As the Last Unicorn, known in her human form as Lady Amalthea, arrives with Schmendrick the Magician and Molly Grue at the castle of This King we find that only six beings call this massive castle home: This King, his dashing son Prince Lir, Mabruk the Magician, a pirate cat, an alcoholic skeleton, and the Red Bull, whom he has forced to drive every last unicorn to the Sea.
Who Is King Haggard?
18th Century Prussian King & Military Genius Who is A large Body of Water In Northern Utah
What is Fredrick, the Great Salt Lake?
This most unusual stage direction from one of Shakespeare's lesser-known works, "Exit Stage Right Pursued by A Bear."
What is "A Winter's Tale"?
This Joke HTTP Response Code Informs Users That The Machine They Are Using Cannot Brew Coffee Because It Is A Teapot.
What is 418?
This Organization Was The First Documented U.S. Gay Rights Organization 44 Years Before The Stonewall Uprising.
What Is The Society for Human Rights?