Weeks 3 & 4
Weeks 5 & 7
Weeks 9 & 11
Weeks 12 & 14
Weeks 15 & 16
The number of forms of reasoning as introduced by Mattingly & Fleming (1994)
What is four
Therapists sometimes utilize a language of _____________ , the biomedical way of describing the body that downplays the experience of the patient.
What is chart talk?
This AOTA policy states that “all individuals, regardless of ethnicity, race, age, religion, gender, and sexual orientation or disability should be able to be a part of the naturally occurring activities of society"
What is AOTA's Policy on Full Inclusion
This approach asserts that difference is located within a person’s basic nature, and this is how people are categorized as “normal” or “abnormal”.
What is the abnormal-persons approach?
Dr. Neville-Jan states that intrauterine surgery for spina bifida provides closure of the spina cord before birth. While not a cure, the orthopedic problems are not as severe as after birth. This is an example of _______ level of prevention.
What is secondary?
According to Lawlor & Mattingly, these are the events that occur during practice sessions that create a discord between what therapists believe should happen and what they actually experience.
What are daily dilemmas?
This phrase refers to a biomechanical framing of the body
What is body as a machine?
According to Minow, this term describes the common phenomenon where the stigma of difference may be created both by ignoring and by focusing on it.
What is the dilemma of difference?
This approach states that differences are understood as statements of relationships.
What is the social relations approach?
Iwama (2003) states that a crisis exists in occupational therapy in _____ (this country) because Western epistemologies do not translate.
What is Japan?
In the Clinical Reasoning Study, this is the phenomenon where therapists reported that they frequently addressed issues related to the patient’s illness experience but did not document them.
What is the underground practice?
Mattingly & Fleming (1994) found that occupational therapists view their patients and illness experiences using these 2 approaches.
What are biomechanical & phenomenological approaches?
According to Minow, stating differences between people as relationships addresses this assumption of difference.
What is the assumption "difference is intrinsic, not a comparison"?
This approach asserts that legal rights apply to every individual while still assuming an unstated idea of "normal"
What is the rights-analysis approach?
Franits uses this mantra "_______" with respect to disability rights groups to describe how individuals with disabilities need to be at the forefront of decisions or policies that affect their lives.
What is "nothing about us without us"?
According to Mattingly & Fleming (1994), expertise involves breadth of experience and depth of ________
What is reflection?
According to Gabbay & le May, this stage of learning goes beyond the ‘expert’ stage and is crucial at every level of learning. This level of expertise involves developing mindlines that account for the specific environment of practice.
What is contextually adroit?
This author wrote a critique of occupational therapy in rehabilitation.
Who is Gary Kielhofner?
This principle asserts that aggressive medical treatment should only be undertaken if the infant will live a life worth living.
What is the quality of life principle?
This term used by Mattingly describes the creation of a common language that can bridge the divide between clinicians and their clients of different cultures.
What is lingua franca?
According to the AOTA, APTA, and ASHA Consensus Statement (2014), decisions regarding client care, including those that are reflected in documentation, should be made based upon their ________________ and objective data
What is independent clinical reasoning?
According to Mattingly & Fleming, this type of reasoning imagines the possible life outcomes with a patient
What is conditional reasoning?
This assumption states that there is only one correct perspective for understanding differences.
What is the assumption "other perspectives are irrelevant"?
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHR) filed suit against the hospital treating Baby Jane Doe, and used section 504 of ________ (this act) to argue that the hospital demonstrated discrimination against the handicapped.
What is the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?
Gabbay and le May state that _____ (this term) can be used as powerful tools for transmitting information. The down side is that they can also easily spread misinformation
What are stories?