Substance Use Disorder
OT's Preventive Role
OT's Treatment Role
SUD & Politics

In occupational therapy, what does the word occupation mean?

Everyday activities that people do alone, with families, or with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life.


What are common substances that are commonly used? 

Nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, prescription pills


Name 3 settings OT can provide preventive programs

Schools, Community, College, Pre-schools, early intervention, foster care


Name 5 settings in which an OT can provide treatment for an individual with SUD?

Prison, Inpatient Psychiatric Ward, Peer Community Support, Halfway House or Transitional Living Centers, Community-Based treatment facilities, Intensive residential program, and drug treatment facilities.


Who are the Chair and Vice Chair of the MA Special Senate Committee on Opioid Addiction Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Options? Bonus if you can name one other member

Jennifer L. Flanagan (Chair) & John F. Keenan (Vice Chair)

  • Other members include Anne M. Gobi, Eric P. Lesser, Joan B. Lovely, Michael O. Moore, Kathleen O’Connor Ives, Michael D. Brady, Richard J. Ross, and Viriato M. deMacedo.


Name three settings where occupational therapists practice?

School, Inpatient/outpatient mental health, an inpatient rehabilitation hospital, outpatient rehabilitation center, skilled nursing facility, acute hospital, business organizations... 


It has to be illegal to be considered as substance use

No, people often cannot control their use of caffeine, marijuana (in MA), alcohol, nicotine, and/or legal prescriptions.


What are alternative pain management strategies? 

Relaxation, visualization, yoga, mindfulness, strengthening


Name 5 areas (or occupations) in which OTs can assist in individuals with SUD?

Exercise, art projects, career exploration, leisure exploration, time management, medication management, emotional management, pain management, stress management, life skills, parenting skills, activities of daily living, goal setting, social participation, relationship building, community mobility, nutrition, etc.


What are 2 SUD services covered under MassHealth and CHIP, which OTs practice at?


Name one thing an OT does?

Practically limitless


Name 5 areas of an individual’s life which can become negatively impacted by SUD?

Work, social/family life, leisure, school, hygiene, sexual activity, care of pets, care of others (i.e. child rearing), health management and maintenance, home management, driving and community mobility, financial management, and sleep.


Name 2 other healthcare professionals that can work with OT to prevent SUD

Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, etc.


What is an effective treatment for an individual with a SUD?

Social participation intervention proved more effective in reducing addiction severity and decreasing symptoms of depression than focusing on other areas of life such as work and leisure activities.


What MA law passed in 2016 mandating a seven-day limit on first-time opioid prescriptions to curb overprescribing opioids to patients?

An Act relative to substance use, treatment, education and prevention


What does person-centered therapy mean?

All OTs provide person-centered therapy, this is where the OT takes into account the person’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, dislikes, environment, social situation, community, etc. and works with them to create goals to allow them feel empowered in their therapy and increase outcomes, and reduce future costs.


What percentage of people with SUD relapse within the first year of recovery?

90% (Bart, 2012)


At what age should preventive substance use programs start?

Any age! It depends on risk factors that the person may be experiencing 

  • As young as an infant 


Name one reason why occupational therapists have a unique contribution when providing treatment for individuals with SUD

  • Use person-centered care and therapeutic use of self

  • Use assessments to determine strengths and deficits the person may have to develop a treatment plan

  • Able to help with a wealth of occupations which the individual could use to improve treatment outcomes and maintain recovery and prevent relapse

  •  Work collaboratively with the individual to develop a specialized plan which will work best for the person

  • Understand addiction is an occupation in itself and can be treated by replacing with healthy occupations


Under Massachusetts law are OT’s considered a qualified mental health professional (QMHP), thus are qualified to be reimbursed by Medicaid to work with individuals with SUD?

YES! We are one of only 6 states total that list OT has a QMHP, which in turn allows OTs to be reimbursed by Medicaid to work with individuals seeking help for substance use disorder.


What is an occupation-based intervention?

Occupation-based intervention means the occupational therapist creates an intervention based on the person’s skills, needs, and interests. The OT and the person work together on improving the chosen occupations by performing and doing those specific occupations.


Is addiction or substance use disorder considered an occupation by occupational therapists?

Yes, addiction is a type of occupation, since it is a form of occupation this makes occupational therapists highly skilled in being able to assist individuals to manage and recover from their addiction.


How can restructuring prescription practices affect the incidence of substance use?

- Prevents patients from receiving excess, and unnecessary addictive prescriptions

-Encourages healthcare professionals to be held accountable for managing prescriptions

-Teaches the person strategies to manage pain and still live a productive life


What is 1 skill occupational therapists have which make them valuable professionals when working with individuals with SUD?

- Provide person-centered care to focus on the individual’s needs and interests, while collaborating with them in goal setting rather than telling them what to do.

- Occupational therapists provide a holistic approach to treatment

- Ability to work on any occupations with any type of person.


Who is the occupational therapy lobbyist for the state of MA?

Karen J. Hefler
