I am full of holes yet I still hold water. What am I?
What is: A sponge
What is a mental health disorder characterized by a low-mood and loss of interest in activities?
What is: Depression
The one where toys get kidnapped
What is: Toy Story
What is: Cell phone, car payment, rent, groceries, gas, medical, student loans
What is the capital of Maine?
What is: Augusta
What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?
What is: A penny
What is a period of intense fear that is all of a sudden and is relatively brief and includes sweating, tingling, and lightheadedness?
What is: A panic attack
Acapella on a college campus
What is: Pitch Perfect
What is: to put it into your bank account
Name 2 of Stephen King's works
What is: Carrie, IT, Pet Cemetery, Shining, Misery, Green Mile
What goes up but does not come back down?
What is: Your age
Symptoms of this disorder include excessive washing or cleaning, repetitive checking, or intense fear of germs
What is: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
What is: Twilight
What does TBSP stand for when cooking?
What is: Tablespoon
The Maine State bird
What is: The chickadee
What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
What is: A clock
What are two symptoms of schizophrenia?
What is: Seeing or hearing things that are not there, difficulty sleeping, depression, delusions, confusion
Cops go undercover as high schoolers
What is: 21 Jumpstreet
Name two things you can do at an ATM
Name two sports teams in Maine
What is: Sea Dogs, Red Claws, any high school teams
I'm full of keys but cannot open any door, what am I?
What is: A piano
What are two ways you can manage anxiety?
What is: Counseling, medications, support groups, therapy, coping skills
"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"
What is: The Wizard of Oz
What are two things you should ask a landlord?
What is: Where do I park, is the neighborhood safe, how long is my lease, when do I take the garbage out, what day is rent due?
Who is the governor of Maine?
What is: Janet Mills