This is the time of life it is typically diagnosed. The early ___
Creating environments or materials that meet the individual’s sensory processing needs.
Dunn's Sensory Processing models
a stress response that is elicited after a highly stressful or traumatic experience, but symptoms are short lived
Acute stress
Visual hallucinations and deficits in motor skills. Rigidity and tremors. Changes in memory, attention and alertness. Can often present as drowsiness, lethargy and speech difficulties. Emotional instability
Lewy Body Disease
This approach was specifically designed for Early Intervention (EI) practice and takes contemporary developmental, disability, and implementation science into consideration. Also known as the _______ systems approach.
The prevalence is slightly higher among....
Distorted beliefs are identified and then challenged by providing evidence to the contrary.
Cognitive Behavioral Model
the repeated and prolonged activation of the stress response.... interferes with focus, attention span, memory, mood, and the ability to function optimally and participate fully in meaningful life roles and activities.
chronic stress
The progression is more rapid than in Alzheimer’s disease and the need for institutional support and care occurs earlier in the disease, characterized by disinhibition, irrational judgment, impulsiveness, and social discord
Frontotemporal Lobal Degeneration
This technique focuses on identifying and reframing task-interfering cognitions and replacing them with task-oriented cognitions. Its abbreviation is the _____ method.
The time between early symptoms and diagnosis
Prodromal period
Skills training targeting mindfulness meditation, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
a form of stress that may occur when a person is exposed to situations or events (witnessing or enduring violence, for example) that subsequently overwhelm the ability to cope and participate in occupations
traumatic stress
Presents initially with motor difficulty. characterized by disinhibition, irrational judgment, impulsiveness, and social discord
Huntington's disease
PTSD patients are diagnosed with ___ stress disorder within 1 month of triggering event
Symptom clusters include disorganized, affective domains, psychotic, and ____
The focus of this approach is not on cognitive subskills such as attention and memory, but on the functional information processing capacity of the individual. This capacity is modifiable and varies as the activity, environment, and person change.... cognition is dynamic.
Dynamic interactional approach
the ability to recover and even thrive in the face of trauma, stress, or adversity
This disease has three stages: preclinical or presymptomatic, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia. It's the most common type of dementia
____ experiences: often referred to as being on a continuum that can range from daydreaming, to feeling less present in one’s body, to the more extreme fragmentation of one’s sense of self and/or identity
A type of schizophrenia: a combination of mood and psychotic symptoms.
Schizoaffective disorder
Remediation not possible; Focus is on modifications to the activity and environment form the basis for intervention
Cognitive Disabilities Model
occurs when an individual experiences stressors (nontraumatic or traumatic in nature) that trigger a cascade of emotional responses and a host of corresponding occupational difficulties within 3 months of event, and not attributable to other mental health conditions.
Adjustment disorder
The criteria for a diagnosis of mild ___ includes moderate cognitive decline that does not impact performance of daily activities
NCD (neurocognitive decline)
Symptoms include tremors, weakness, poor dexterity, bradykinesia, fatigue, depression, apathy, gait impairment, and cognitive deficit
Parkinson's disease