God created this on the first day.
What is light?
It rained for this many days and this many nights.
What is 40
The man who parted the waters with his staff so the Israelites would be saved.
Who is Moses
He was a beloved King who wrote songs, many of which are included in the book of Psalms.
Who is David
His strength was in his hair. Once that was cut, he was imprisoned.
Who is Samson
Adam & Eve were commanded not to eat of the fruit of this tree.
What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Noah sent this creature out to see if there was dry land.
What is a dove
This was the name of Sarah's slave. She had a son with Abraham and named him Ishmael.
Who is Hagar
This king plotted to kill David, even though David was friends with his son.
Who is King Saul
He was sold into slavery by his brothers, but ended up becoming a leader. (Hint: he wore a coat of many colors.)
Who was Joseph
Repeated throughout the creation story in Genesis 1: "And God saw that it was __________."
What is GOOD
This was a sign that appeared in the sky when the flood was over.
What is a rainbow
This is the name of Abraham & Sarah's son, and the name means "laughter".
Who is Isaac
She is the only female judge mentioned in the Bible and is known for her wisdom.
Who is Deborah
He was a judge who led a group of just 300 men to defeat the Midianites. (They hid their torches in clay jars so they could have a sneak attack!)
Who is Gideon
Three letter word that means "anything that separates us from God"
What is sin
Word meaning promise. The rainbow was a sign of this.
What is covenant
He was the brother of Moses who often spoke on his behalf.
Who was Aaron
Throughout his reign, King Solomon was unfaithful to God. After he died, the kingdom split in two. The Northern Kingdom was called Israel, and the Southern Kingdom was called this...
What is Judah
She was Naomi's daughter-in-law who refused to leave Naomi's side after her husband died.
Who is Ruth
These were the names of Adam and Eve's children. One killed the other.
Who are Cain and Abel
The ark was this many cubits long.
What is 300 cubits
(approximately 1.5 football fields)
God tells Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as this.
What are "the stars in the sky"
In a dispute against worshippers of Baal, the prophet Elijah surrounded an altar with stones, poured water over them, and then called on God to send this down from the sky.
What is fire
(to show that God was the true God)
These are the names of twins who were rivals from the start. The youngest tricked their father into giving him the family birthright by covering his arms with hairy goat skins to mimic his brother.
Who are Jacob and Esau