Leftover Soup
Taco Salad
Fruit Salad
New Stuff

Adolph Meyer believed in a holistic approach to treating clients. Which fundamental principle of Occupational Therapy did he bring to the profession?

Importance of involvement in meaningful activity


why do we have an occupational profile?

This provides a summer of a client’s occupational history and experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values and needs. This information is obtained from the client’s perspective through both formal interview techniques and casual conversation and leads to an individualized, client-centered intervention.


Chase is an early maturing boy for his age of 14. His muscles are well developed, he is tall, and he is proud of his growing beard. He is on the wrestling team but he is still having quite a hard time in school and getting along with his teammates, especially with other boys and their lifting more than he can. His coach also creates tension because he is not lifting enough to go to the next meet. Why might he have these problems?

he has increased pressure to perform physically and has anxiety from the competition of other males as well as the desire to impress. 


 What long term care setting offers clients intensive therapy from a variety of professionals?



List the 5 general intervention approaches of OT

    1. Create/promote

    2. Establish/restore

    3. Maintain

    4. Modify

    5. Prevent


According to the OTPF, being a moral person, believing in a higher power, and practicing yoga and tai chi are in what domain?

Client Factors


Articulate the importance of observation skills and how they are used in the OT process.

What can we use to clinically measure?

mob, MMT, ROM, etc


While many of the other 16-year-olds are talking about their future careers, preferred salary, and lavish places to go away to college on the East Coast, Hannah brings up another subject and avoids the conversation at all costs, she is never one to bring it up. What state of identity might she be taking?

Josie is shadowing at a fire station this summer, as well as taking classes in criminal justice and forensics to broaden her knowledge. She is enjoying driving her own car as well as enjoying her relationship weekends with her boyfriend, Nick. She hasn't made many plans for her future but is out exploring her options and trying lots of things. What stage does this sound like?

Identity diffusion. 

Identity moratorium


Having a child play with a dollhouse and simulate cleaning the house with the figures is an example of what type activity?



Evaluates, formulates a treatment plan, establishes goals, documentation, enacts intervention, pt education, delegates and manages patient care, discharge planning, are all job expectations of what role?



According the the OTPF what type of activity occurs when the client cooks a meal for a her boyfriend in her home?

Occupation Based


OT practitioners are employed by types of administration, levels of care, and areas of practice. What are settings of administration?

Level's of care?

      1. Public - VA, Public Jail, Schools

      2. Private not for profit - Religious groups, Govt funded or Grant funded, Investments refunded back into practice

      3. Private for profit - Board of investors, money

Acute - sudden, short term, hospital

Subacute - longer, specialized service (SNF, Inpatient Rehab)

Long-term - chronic (Nursing home)


In the alignment of the vision 2025, how will occupational therapy practitioners prove the distinct value of the profession?

Occupational therapy is client centered, occupational therapy achieves positive outcomes, and occupational therapy is cost effective


One of the most significant pieces of legislation to impact the profession of Occupational Therapy and those with disabilities was the Americans with Disabilities act of 1990. This legislation provided what essential civil rights to individuals with disabilities?

Equal access to employment, transportation and public accommodations


George comes up to you during a lunch break and said his wife heard fantastic things you as an OTA did for her friend, Carley, when she went to you after her neck surgery, and asks what you think about his tennis elbow, what would be a good next step?

To encourage him that certainly, yes, he may be very qualified and respond well to OT treatment, but he first must have a referral from a doctor or qualified medical professional. 


According to the OTPF, the term Occupational Therapy Practitioner refers to which professional designation?

Both the Occupational Therapist (OTR) and the Occupational Therapy Assistant(OTA)


You are currently on the implementation part of your process of helping a client heal. He appears to be making more progress than he was 2 weeks ago in holding a fork and twirling spaghetti. What would be a good next step?

Reevaluate as well as actually measure the progress in a way that can be measured and recorded. Do you need a harder step now? Was your goal achieved?


STNR can be described as:

the head is brought towards chest, the arms bend and legs extend.


Managing a grandfather's taxes is an example of what kind of activity?



OTA has high credibility:

The long term outlook is very good. OT was voted in the top 50 of best jobs. It is expected to increase in need faster than any other job in 2018. 

What are some future practice areas of OTA?

    1. Future practice areas targeted for growth include: broader scope in schools, bullying, childhood obesity, autism in adults, aging workforce, veterans and wounded warriors, cancer care and oncology, ergonomics, accessibility design, driver assessment and training, assisted living, technology, health and wellness, low vision, Alzheimer’s, children and youth needs, and community service


 Occupational Therapy Practitioners facilitate the process of engagement in occupations through task analysis and adaptation. How do OT’s believe the client can accomplish this?

By doing, trying and revising


 According to Occupational Therapy, what is the term for the ordinary and everyday things that people do?    



The expectation of doing chores such as setting the table or taking the dog out before Mickey's parents get home is an example of 

a cultural expectation for her


Jack's parents are both surgeons. They are also both Jewish. Jack has been unsure about his career path but has gone with his dad to work very often and his parents have said they would pay for his college if he agrees to also go to med school. Not earning many scholarships on his own, Jack decides to go to the same Jewish school as his mom and is currently training to be a surgeon. What stage does this sound like?

identity forclosure


Injured in a boating accident, Isla has just gotten out of the hospital for a fractured collar bone and hip, as well as a left foot amputation. She lost her 8-year-old son in the accident and her husband is also in the hospital with a brain injury. She has been referred to your clinic and it is your first meeting with her. She seems very detached, numb, and unmotivated, reported from the doctor's office. What kind of approach may you take to talk with her, as well as what kind of resources may you phone?

Isla's situation was incredibly traumatic. She lost her son, and she's unsure about the state of her husband. The last thing she wants to do is sitting down and discussing new goals. It is our job to empathetically approach, and express true sincerity about how she is doing, as well as an apology for her situation. Though it says we should be doing an assessment, we may need to assess her mental state and call social workers, psychologists, and other family to get her to a point to even want to do treatment. As for screening, find out as much info as you can, but remember, her mind is simply not in it. Focus on bare minimum what she needs, and then work on higher goals. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
