What day did OTC HAs come out?
October 17, 2022, the FDA's OTC hearing aids ruling went into effect
What styles do OTC HAs come in?
What is BTE, RIC, and ITE styles
Who called OTC HAs "A 'game-changer' for millions of Americans"?
What is CNN & People & DailyMail
Who are OTC hearing aids for?
OTC hearing aids are designed for adults 18 years and older who have mild to moderate hearing loss.
Name the Top OTC HA brand according to ConsumerAdvocate
What is Lively
"Parents may think they’re doing the right thing by obtaining a hearing aid for a child or teen with hearing loss, but they can actually end up doing more harm than good."
What is MarketWatch
Where are OTC hearing aids sold?
OTC hearing aids will become widely available in pharmacies, somebig box stores, doctors' offices, and online.
Name the top OTC HA brand according to Dr. Cliff
What is Sontro
Who wrote the article "Yes, AirPods can double as hearing aids. Here’s how"?
What is the Washington Post
Is a diagnosis from an audiologist required?
No, just approximated hearing loss by oneself
Find me the Cheapest OTC Hearing Aid with Bluetooth
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What article quoted "You could spend all this money on a hearing aid that isn’t going to help because you have ear wax or a middle ear infection,” Raphael said.?
What is HealthyWomen
What colors do OTC HAs come in?
Find me the most Expensive OTC Hearing Aid with all the features
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On Walmart's website: What OTC Hearing Aid was called an "An Expensive Hoax" by a reviewer
What is Lexie B2 Self-fitting OTC Hearing Aids Powered by Bose