"Feel the stretch in your deltoids" is an example of?
What is trainer talk?
3.5-4.5 mph is the speed for who's base?
What is power walkers?
What is the purpose of the lobby intro?
What is to introduce yourself and get members excited about the workout?
What does 2G 30/30 mean on a template?
What is 2 groups, 30 min each?
Who do you acknowledge first in the warm up volley?
What are rowers?
How many options do we provide in a floor block demo?
What is ONE?
4.5-5.5 mph are who's base parameters?
What are joggers?
What is the first part of the lobby intro?
What is welcome and name?
What does the E on a template mean?
What is endurance?
What are the parameters for a walking warm up?
What are 1% and 3-4 mph?
What do you say in a full demo?
What is name, start, move, finish, return?
5.5+ mph is who's base speed?
What are runners?
What is the last part of the lobby intro?
What is high fives, fist bump, etc?
What does the S on a template mean?
What is strength?
Where should the straps to the rowers be tight across?
What is the widest part of your foot?
What can you provide in a floor demo?
What is full, partial, acknowledgement?
What are the gears for bike/strider?
What is the last part of the lobby intro before entry to class?
What are exercise restrictions?
What does the P mean on a template?
What is power?
What quick touch buttons are on the right side of the tread?
What is speed?
What does the acronym O.R.D.E.R stand for?
What is overview, reps and recommendations, demo, encouragement, ready set go?
What are the rpms for a bike/strider base?
What are 60-100 rpms?
What quick-touch buttons are on the left side of the tread?
What is incline?