Who plots against Othello
What is Iago
This character manipulates Othello into believing his wife, Desi, has been unfaithful
This character is murdered by othello
what is Desdemona's fathers name
What is Brabantio
Othello orders this action to be taken against Desi after he is convinced of her infidelity?
Killing her off
This character reveals Iagos deceitful actions before she diess
What does Brabantio accuse Othello of
What is Dark Magic
This character seeks to calm Othello's jealousy by claiming that jealousy is a green-eyed monster
Othello kills himself with this weapon after realizing he was deceived by Iago
what is Desdemona's maids name
What is Emilia
This character attempts to expose Iago's treachery in Act 4, only to be murdered to stay quiet
this character is the first to find desis body after she is murdered
By order of the who does Othello leave Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus
What is The Duke
This is the item that Iago uses to further provoke Othello's suspicion about Desi's fidelity
The handkerchief
who kills themselves at the end of the story