What do Davidson students call the lake campus?
What is Davidson’s unique process for signing up for classes that promotes equity?
Where do you go if you are sick, injured, need counseling, or would like to speak to a nutritionist?
Student Center for Health and Well Being
what is the dining hall name?
What is the nickname for the on-campus coffee shop?
What is the name of the sport invented at Davidson, traditionally played with your Freshman hall?
Where on campus can you go to get free groceries, interview clothes, and access academic resources?
Lula Bells
where would you go to practice your instrument or listen to a musical performance?
Sloan Music Building
What do Davidson students call the Armfield apartments?
What are the non greek affiliated social organizations at Davidson for women and other gender minorities?
Eating Houses
If you are interested in volunteering or internships that serve the community, what office should you reach out to?
Center for Civic Engagement
Name all the freshman dorms
Richardson, Watts, Little, Belk
What do Davidson students call the road that runs in front of base belk and richardson?
Rich Circle
Where can students find every social and academic event happening on campus?
Where can you reach out if you or a friend have had an experience of sexual assault or sexual violence? Bonus: What is the coordinator’s name?
Title IX office; Carley Dix
Where are most science classes located?
What is the name of the lawn next to Qdoba?
Old Tennis Court Lawn
What is the abbreviated name of the governing body for all social organizations at davidson?
What office do you reach out to if you need accommodations, whether for an existing disability or from one that develops during the semester (for example, if you get a concussion during finals week and need extra time on exams)
AADR (Academic Access and Disability Resources)
Where on campus is a safe space only open to LGBTQ+ identifying students?
Lavender Lounge