The process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing __________ to affect you.
What are feelings or opinions?
The element of reasoning which asks “What is the objective of my thinking?”
What is purpose?
The military justice system is the driving force behind __________.
What is discipline?
The military is obligated to obey laws of Congress and Supreme Court rulings, and the military’s authority is derived from __________.
What is the Executive Branch?
An officer married to an enlisted member is not by itself __________.
What is fraternization?
An argument proposes a __________ for a given conclusion.
What is reason?
This type of thinking utilizes pattern recognition.
What is system 1?
Sources of military law include the US Constitution, international law, and the __________ and __________.
What are the UCMJ and the MCM?
Articles I-III of the Constitution describes __________.
What are the three branches of government (executive, judicial, and legislative)?
Officers will not __________ with enlisted members.
What is gamble?
Relevance, logic, and significance are examples of __________.
What are intellectual standards?
Interpreting a single trait or event to define an entire person or situation.
What is the halo effect (cognitive bias)?
Laws are written by Congress and implemented through __________.
What are executive orders?
Military officers are most restricted by this part of the Constitution.
What is the Bill of Rights?
Officers will not share __________ with enlisted members.
What is living accommodations?
When a person understands events, facts, people, etc. based on their own particular set of beliefs and experiences, they are demonstrating this.
What is cognitive bias?
The element of reasoning which asks “What beliefs and values influence my thinking?”
What are assumptions?
A non-judicial punishment for minor offenses which does not constitute a criminal conviction.
What is Article 15?
The Third Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the military from __________.
What is forcing the public to house them?
Unprofessional relationships can create the perception of __________.
What is favoritism?
Taking people's will, belief, thinking, and psychology as direct combat targets, and seeking to affect decision-making and actions by changing the opponent's thinking.
What are cognitive domain operations?
This error in thinking steers the conversation away from initial intent.
What is deflection?
LOCs, LOAs, LORs, unfavorable information files, __________ and __________ are examples of administrative tools.
What are the control roster and officer selection record?
Three important principles of the Constitution are federalism, separation of powers (checks and balances), and __________.
What are enumerated powers?
Unprofessional relationships can undermine good order, discipline, __________, and __________.
What is authority and morale?