Where does the Giant river otter live?
South America
Where does the southern river otter live?
They are found in central and Southern Chile and areas of Argentina
Where do Sea otters live?
California, Washington, Canada, Alaska, Russia and Japan
Where do Hairy nosed otters live?
They live in Tiny parts throughout much of Southeast Asia
What do African Clawless Otters eat?
They eat water-dwelling animals, such as crabs, fish, frogs and worms
What do Giant river otters eat?
They mostly eat fish and crustaceans, but will sometimes catch small caimans and small anacondas
What do Southern river otters eat?
They eat fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and birds
What do Sea otters eat?
They like to eat sea urchins, crabs, clams, mussels, octopus, fish, and many other marine invertebrates
What do they eat?
They eat fish followed by water snakes and they also supplement their diet with frogs, lizards, turtles, crabs, mammals and insects
What is the biggest threat to African Clawless Otters?
The biggest threat to African clawless otters comes from humans
What is the main threat to the Giant river otter?
The otter’s decline is mostly due to hunting
What is The Southern River otter habitat? (Ex: Ponds, rivers)
Marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats, but are mostly found in freshwater lakes and rivers
What is the biggest threat to Sea otters?
Humans are the biggest threat to the sea otter population
What is one fun fact about Hairy-nosed otters?
They are one of the rarest and least known species
Where do African Clawless Otters live?
African clawless otters can be found anywhere from open coastal plains, to semiarid regions, to densely forested areas. Surviving mostly in southern Africa
What are some fun facts about Giant river otters?
You can say one or two
Giant river otters are both the world’s largest otters and the largest members of the mustelid family and they have a voracious appetite
What are some threats to Southern river otters?
Illegal hunting, water pollution, and habitat loss
What is a fun fact about Sea otters?
Sea otters are the largest members of the weasel family, yet the smallest marine mammals in North America
Why are Hairy-nosed otters threatened?
They are threatened by lowland wetland habitats, hunting for fur and meat, and accidental killing during fishing
What is a fun fact about African Clawless Otters?
They are the second-largest freshwater otter species