Anger can cause headaches, stomach aches, fast beating heart, dizziness, sweating, and other physical symptoms.
True (any other examples?)
What type of behavior is inappropriate when expressing your anger? Give two examples
Hitting, kicking, throwing things, swearing, calling names, etc.
A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
Name 2 calming strategies you do to help manage your anger
Listen to music, color, write, read, play a game, breathe, count, etc
Anger can cause other emotions like wanting to escape, sadness, guilt, irritation, and others.
True (any other examples?)
Choosing to handle our behavior in a negative way is making a poor choice. When we choose to make poor choices, we should have ___________?
Helps you calm down or reduce anxiety, anger, stress, sadness in a healthy and safe way.
Coping Skills
Describe a peaceful place you might think about if you are feeling angry.
Answers will vary
Other people's actions are out of your control.
Is it okay to express our anger?
Yes, but only in an appropriate/healthy way.
When someone holds back their actions or words. This is needed when we become anger. Self-__________?
Name 2 positive self-talk statements.
"I can do this", "I am okay", "I'll give it another try", etc.
Getting even/revenge is always the right answer.
Give 2 examples of expressing our anger in a healthy way.
Taking a break, counting to 10, deep breathing, talk with someone, coloring, using our 5 senses, etc.
Positive self-talk
Talking to self (silently or mentally) for encouragement or motivation
Name a calming strategy that DOES NOT work for you
Answers will vary
You are in control of your own behavior/words.
Does everyone handle their anger in the same way?
Something that makes you angry or sets you off
What is a calming strategy you would like to try?
Answers wil vary.