What is raise my hand?
What electronic should you charge and bring to school every single day?
What is my Chromebook?
This is the proper way to enter the classroom.
What is quietly and calmly?
This is what I should do when someone tells me a secret/something in confidence (that is not something that will hurt them or someone else).
What is keep it to myself?
This is when it is appropriate to destroy pencils/erasers and/or throw them around the room.
What is NEVER?
This is what I should do if my teacher is talking to another student and I want to ask her a question.
What is wait patiently?
This is who I should share my locker combination with.
What is N-O-B-O-D-Y?
This is when you should use the bathroom?
What is before/after class or during lunch?
This is what I should do when my bestie comes running to spill the tea.
What is tell her/him that we should not be spreading gossip, so let's keep it to ourselves?
This is when you should throw sticky items up on the ceiling to see if they stick.
What is never?
This is a better way to say shut up!
What is be quiet, please stop talking, etc.?
It is after school, you have math homework, but your bestie wants to play Fortnite/go to the mall/walk around town/Snapchat/make TikToks/etc., this is the responsible thing to do.
What is do your homework first?
This is what I should be bringing to every class.
What is my chromebook and any needed supplies?
This is what I should do when I see something I like that is not mine.
What is do not touch it/leave it alone?
This was the name of our classroom mascot
What is Gus?
This is what I should I do when a student is sharing a story, but my story is better.
This is where your body should be when the bell rings.
What is in your seat?
This is what I should do when Mrs. Dousharm rings the gong.
What is stop talking and look at Mrs. Dousharm to listen for further instructions?
This is what I should do when I have to work with a classmate that I do not like.
What is do my best to give them a chance?
This is Mrs. Dousharm's favorite student.
What is nobody, because Mrs. Dousharm does not have favorites?
This is what I should do when my teacher asks me if I did/said something inappropriate (that I actually did do/say).
What is tell the truth?
This is the only person who is responsible for the things you say and do every single day.
This is what I should I do when I am done using a pencil.
What is place it in the cup by the work bin?
This is who you should talk to if you have a serious problem at school.
What is the teacher/social worker/guidance counselor/parent?
This is the best day of the week (according to Mrs. Dousharm).
What is Monday?