If you have photos of you and your family traveling, where can you put them in the classroom?
On the metal cabinet door with the blue anchors.
When Ms. Tran picks us up from the upper playground how many lines is she looking for?
2 lines.
What are some ways I can earn yellow tickets when we are doing schoolwork?
By being on task or......
What sport does Ms. Tran coach?
What is one way I can be a scholar?
One way is.....
If I need a sharpened pencil where can I go to get one?
The green bucket under the printer by the front door.
What are the two steps the students should do after Ms. Tran says they can go to the bathroom?
Sign out on the clipboard and take the hall pass with them.
What is a reason I may have to give a yellow ticket back to Ms. Tran
If I have to use the restroom during class.
How many cats does Ms. Tran have?
If I am being a scholar and my friend is not being a scholar what is something I can tell them to encourage them to be scholar?
I can tell them.....
Where will our daily schedule be posted?
On the metal cabinet door.
When should I get a book or swap out my book to get ready for silent reading?
Before lunch!
What day of the week do we do our raffle with our yellow tickets?
How can my parents get in contact with Ms. Tran outside of school?
Through Class Dojo, Canvas, or by email.
If I need to be reminded how to be a scholar what can I do?
Look at our class rules chart or talk to Ms. Tran about it.
If I need to remember what a letter should look when I am writing, where can I look?
At the alphabet above our bookshelf.
What should I do before getting out of my seat?
Raise my hand and ask the teacher if I can get up.
What should I do when I get a yellow ticket?
Put my name on it.
How can we be respectful to Ms. Tran? Name three ways.
Three ways are.....
Because being organized helps me keep track of what work I need to do, how to do it, and where to find it.
If I need scissors, glue, or any other utensils, where can I find them?
What do I do everyday right when I come to class?
Get out my supplies, correct any homework or turn in any papers, and then get ready for our morning meeting.
What are some ways that I can earn yellow tickets during silent reading?
By focusing on my book and not talking to friends.
On a scale of 1-10 how happy is Ms. Tran to be teaching our class.
Why is being on time so important?
Because if I am late I might miss something important.