In the hallway, our voices should be...
silent or quiet
During independent math time, our voices should be...
We should have ____ bodies.
When someone is greeting me, I should be...
Giving eye contact and waiting to return the greeting
The first thing I do when I enter the room in the morning is to:
put my things away in my cubby
In the hallway, our line should look like students are facing...
If my pencil breaks, I should...
put it in the dull pencil bin and get a new pencil
With others, we use _____ words.
We meet for morning meeting ...
At the rug/near the white board.
At the end of the day, I need to put up my ...
In the hallway, our hands should be...
by our side.
we keep our writing notebooks in our...
If I need to use the bathroom, I should wait for the teacher to not be giving directions. (true or false)
Our morning meeting contains 4 parts. They are:
1- a greeting
2- a morning message
3- reviewing the schedule
4- an activity
our red Friday folder
(True or False)
If I see a friend down the hall, I should yell, "Hello!"
We keep our math notebooks... (where)
in our cubbies
When others are talking, we ...
are listening.
When someone is talking, I am...
At the end of the day, I should wait _____ until it is my turn to line up.
on the rug or at my seat
We stop at each _____ and wait for the teacher signal to continue walking down the hall.
Corner or turn
When using dice or other math manipulatives, we keep them... (where)
on our desks.
Be ____
Be _____
Be _____
Be responsible
Be safe
Be respectful
Our morning meeting starts at:
When I return on Monday, I put _______ in the yellow bin on the back wall.
my red Friday folder