Other Policies
Entering Class
Exiting Class
In Class
In Class

How many people should be in a bathroom stall?



When are phones allowed out in class?

Never. if you have a phone, it will go in a clear pouch on the closet door AS YOU ENTER CLASS.


You had to borrow a text book from the shelf. Do you leave it on your desk when class is over?

No. Put it back where you found it!


If one of your classmates is speaking, should you speak?

+1 Bonus for why. 


Bonus: Because it shows a lack of respect for your classmates; you're acting like what you have to say is more important than what your classmate has to say.


If you finish a bag of chips during class, should you get up and throw your garbage away?

Nope! Wait until the end of class. Do not get out of your seat unless you have permission. 


Billy and Bobby were caught in a bathroom stall together. What will they get?

They will each get a level two.


What should you do once you get in your assigned seat?

Begin the success starter. 


You are leaving class and see a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. It's not yours. What should you do? Why?

Pick it up. Leaving the classroom better than we found it means picking up trash that isn't ours. Don't worry. Mrs. Keyes picks up trash that isn't hers all the time. 


If Mrs. Keyes is speaking and someone else starts talking, what should you do?

Give them a gentle "shh."

If you have a question or comment, what should you do?

Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 


If you are found with a vape on you, what will happen?

It will be confiscated, and I will give you a level two. 


What supplies should you have with you every day?

1. Charged Chromebook
2. Wired earbuds
3. positive, growth mindset attitude


How should the classroom look when you leave?

Better than when you found it


While Mrs. Keyes is talking to the class, Bob turns to his friend and starts having a conversation.

What did Bob do wrong?

+1 point if you can tell me WHY it's wrong. 

He spoke while Mrs. Keyes was speaking.

Bonus: It shows a lack of respect for both the teacher and the other students in class who are trying to listen.


Why do we have to raise our hands/wait our turn before talking?

To show respect for others and to keep the classroom a calm and happy environment for all learners.


Why can we not spray perfume inside the school?

Many reasons--allergies, asthma, covering up smells, etc. 


Bobby arrives to class 5 minutes late. This is poor Bobby's 4th tardy. What will happen to Bobby?

Poor, sweet Bobby will get a tardy write-up and will have to serve detention.


If class is over and Mrs. Keyes is still taking, do you have permission to leave yet?

Yes! If time is up, it's up! Leave! I won't be mad. 


If you ask Mrs. Keyes if you can go to the bathroom during class, what will she say?

"Is it an emergency?"
If it's an emergency, don't ask. Run out the door. Otherwise, wait until class change. 


If you are having a bathroom emergency, you'll just have to suffer and hold it.

True or False.

False. If it's an emergency, run out the door. 


Little Bobby does not put his phone in the caddy. Later in class, his phone goes off. Mrs. Keyes gives him a level one and tries to confiscate his phone, but Bobby refuses to hand it over.

What will happen to Little Bobby?

Little Bobby will get a level two for defiance. 


Billy comes into ELA class loudly. He talks to his friends and texts on his phone before taking a seat. 

What 3 things did Billy do wrong?

+Double bonus points: What consequences would Billy get?

1. He should come into class quietly. 

2. He should put his phone up in the door pocket and then go directly to his assigned seat.
3. He needs to begin the warm-up, not text or anything else.

Bonus: Billy would get a warning for talking loudly. He would get his phone taken up for having it out in class. For not going to his seat right away and beginning the success starter, he would get a level one for not following directions.


There is only 1 minute left in class. Should you begin getting out of your seat and heading toward the door?

No. Mrs. Keyes is already making a compromise by giving you the last minute to pack up. If you get out of your seat early, you will get a level one for not following directions.


What will Mrs. Keyes do to get your attention--especially during group work?

Ring a bell. 


What does Mrs. Keyes expect you to do in class?

Listen. Try. Learn. 
