what president was William Howard
what is the 27th president
this is the main character of the show Amazing world of gumball
who is Gumball waterson
This anime character is born with superhuman powers and was bullied for it.
who is izuku midoryia
this bone is known to be called your collar bone but its scientific name is....
what is your clavicle
what monument took 23 years to build
what is the Washington monument
TV show that is famously known for having a uncle who is also a grampa.
what is uncle grampa
this character is a spy who creates a family.
who is Loid Forger
what is the scientific name for your femur?
what is Your fermur
what president had the most terms while being president
who is Franklin D. Roosevelt
what TV show has a character named patrick star
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this character is known for having a hot temper.
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what cemetery is built in Washington DC that is very famous.
what is the alrington national cemetery
what is a TV show known for kids that has monsters that don't really talk.
what is yo gabba gabba
hero name for Tsuyu Asui
what is Froppy
the mendable is what part of your body
what "mall" has over 24 million buildings
What is the national mall
what is the main characters watch called from ben 10.
the omnitrix
this character was randomly proposed by a man after they made a deal.
who is Yor Forger
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