the overseas possession of another country by a Mother Country that governs and uses it for its own purposes.
What is a colony?
Americans who did not support the American Revolution, many of whom moved to British Colonies
What is a loyalist?
What happened to the crops of Irish farmers?
What is blight?
If a government is made up of individuals who are elected into office, what is it?
What is a representative government?
When you take up arms against the government.
What is an insurrection?
Where is "A"?
What is Lower Canada?
I buy land at a low price and sell it at a high price for profit.
What is a land speculator?
What was the name is given to the people living in Lower Canada because of the language they spoke?
What is a Francophone?
If I were to spend more money than I was making, there is a________?
What is a deficit?
If a person who does not live in the region where they own and rent their land, what are they?
What is an absentee landlord?
What language was primarily spoken in Lower Canada?
What is French?
I want an American style democracy
I am indebted to landowners
What is a tenant farmer?
What are two reasons an Immigrant might not survive traveling by coffin ship?
What is poor food, bad hygiene, crowded conditions, and the spread of disease?
What form of government did the rebels want?
What is a responsible government?
What kind of economy did colonists depend on to exchange goods?
What is a barter economy?
What river shared a boundary with Upper and Lower Canada?
What is the St. Lawrence River?
I am part of a small group of wealthy, elite individuals and live in Lower Canada
What is the Château Clique?
What is the name for a new identity of people that emerged as a result of European colonization?
What is Métis?
If the governor general is able to stop any law passed, what power are they using?
What is the power of veto?
A rebellion is similar to a revolution since they both rise against an existing power system (often violently), but what is the key difference?
What is the success of the resistance?
Other than Upper and Lower Canada, what are two other colonies in British North America in 1825?
What are: The Northwestern Territory, Rupert's land, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and/or Prince Edward Island
What system allowed for unequal access to land?
What is a class system?
Harriet Tubman was an abolitionist who did what?
What is helping African Americans escape slavery through the Underground Railway?
What kind of government structure is this?
What is an oligarchy?
French Canadians mistrusted the English, and in an effort to counter English influence, the French had __________ feelings.
What are nationalist feelings?