All the galaxies are part of the ...
Is the sun is at the CENTER or EDGE of the solar system?
What number planet is Earth from the sun?
What does the Earth spin on?
How long does it take the Earth to revolve around the sun?
365 days (1 year)
What is our galaxy called?
The Milky Way Galaxy
The planets ORBIT or SPIN around the sun?
True or False: the earth is perfectly round.
False, it is flattened at the poles
How long does it take for Earth to spin one rotation?
24 hours (1 day)
What causes the different season on Earth? [A] Earth's tilt [B] Earth spinning on her axis?
A - Earth's tilt
What is the closest STAR to earth called?
What two groups are the planets divided into?
Inner planets (terrestrial) and Outer/Jovian planets (gas/ice giants)
What is the name of the imaginary line that runs horizontally around the middle of Earth.
The Equator
True or false: the rotation of the Earth stops the planet from becoming too hot/cold.
Name the seasons
Summer, winter, autumn and spring
How many planets are there in our solar system?
What is the name of the satellite orbiting earth?
What is the name of the imaginary line that runs from the north to the south pole?
The Meridian (Greenwich)
Where does the sun rise first in Spain? Vigo, Valencia, Ibiza, Madrid, Tenerife.
What season do we have over Easter?
Which planet was our 9th in the solar system until they demoted it to a DWARF PLANET?
In between which two planets do we have an ateroid belt?
Mars and Jupiter
Why does Earth look blue from space?
What is the angle of the Earth's tilt? 30°, 23.5°, 45°
What is a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned.