How long is the treadmill in a sports stadium?
400 m
The person wants him to turn on. But when it turns on, the person gets angry and tries to turn it off immediately
alarm clock
Translated, this word means horror, fear
Who was the director of The Fifth Element?
Luk Besson
Break a leg
Are chess competitions included in the Olympic Games?
It's easy to pick up from the ground but is it difficult to throw far?
Cat in a poke
iron chancellor
Where the Titanic sailed from?
Speak of the devil
Объявился тот, о ком мы говорили.
Name the city - the capital of the 2004 Olympics.
A girl is sitting, and you cannot sit in her place, even if she gets up and leaves. Where is she sitting?
She sits in your lap
the most powerful ruler of Persia
Darius the first
What was the name of the dog in the movie "I Am Legend"?
A piece of cake
очень легко
question auction
Cat in a poke
chess player
This titan stole fire from the gods to give to the people. Who is he?
What breed of dog was the main character in the movie "Beethoven"?
Over My Dead Body
Только через мой труп
Which country's team won the first FIFA World Cup?
What always increases and never decreases?
What year was declared the Year of Ulugbek in our republic
What were the two main villains in Home Alone?
Harry and Marvin
Head Over Heels
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