Who is RABIE babies bestie?
Who is Abie baby!
What is Charli middle name
What is pepper
When is Eviegale birthday?
october 17
What is Charlis dog name
Who is sunny
Did I Evigale get 3rd place in the spelling bee? 🐝
What is yes!
What did ruby used to be called.
Who is donut lord
what is Harper’s dads name
who is David
What is Ellery crushes name?
Who is mason
Harpers cat name
Who is Lucy
did mrs pagan ever tell us to shut up?
What is YESS
What was charli Ellery and Anica’s business in the third grade.
What is bookmarks
What is rubys cousin name ( the girl )
Who is Kate
What was the first grade Eviegale met all of us. Answers may vary.
Eviegales dog name
what is none
Did we ever get in trouble because of spinning the red swing?
What is yes, two times actually
What year did we become friends with Harper?
What is 2023 - 2024 / 5th grade
Ellery fav color
Who is fiesty
Charlis second personality/ tell me ur answer I will accept what is correct
Ruby’s dogs names
Who is apple and puppy
Did Steele touch the tree while swinging
What is yes
What is RABIE babies favorite color
What is colorblind
How do you spell anica middle name
When was the peak of the drama
4th grade
What is Anica’s cats real name
Who is marceline
what was the exact date of ellerys baptism?
September 10 2023