An ethical system providing standards for good as opposed to evil...
The Theological Virtues are...
Faith, Hope and Charity
Because Christian Morality has been revealed to us by God, these concepts are also determined by God...
Good and evil
Jesus showed us the way in this life which in to...
Do and to teach
Christian Morality Encompasses the attitudes of the person. This means forming good habits and attitudes results in...
Good moral choices
Christian Morality differs from other ethical standards like humanism (which denies the existence of God) and is based on...
Knowledge of God and love of God
Theo is an ancient Greek word meaning...
Given by God
We are only able to understand and follow God’s ethical design for us through...
Identification with Christ and Christian moral life is reached through the aid of...
The Holy Spirit
Christian morality is a positive morality. This means a person is motivated love and serve others out of...
Love of God
As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its power and inclined to sin. This inclination is called...
The Cardinal Virtues are given to us by The Holy Spirit and are derived from the Theological Virtues. They are...
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance.
Defined: Grace is the supernatural Gift of God bestowed on us through the merits of _______ for our salvation
Jesus Christ
To be perfectly clear, the Christian moral life is an...
Iimitation of Christ
Christian Morality requires actions through Holiness because we are all...
Called to be Saints
Christianity is the name given to a life lived as Jesus Christ in...
Word and action
The adoption of a moral lifestyle set forth by Jesus does this for the individual so they become a true creation of Christ...
Defined: Sanctifying Grace is Grace that confers _________ on our souls allowing us share in the Life of God
New life
The Christian life stems from a call from God. Hence, the Christian life is seen as a...
We all have been given free will but, unchecked use of free will, can actually lead to being...
Imprisoned by sin
Humanism denies the existence of God and sees humanity as...
The highest form of existence
The Morality of Jesus protects...
The life of our relationship with Him…
Defined: Actual Grace is the Supernatural help from God strengthening our will to...
Do good and avoid evil
Imitation of Jesus is not to take the form of a literal copy of His life, but a...
Moral approach
While our Christian morality is fulfilled on earth it really pertains to…
The next life