Field Trips
They are members of the terrific twin group that named themselves after types of ice cream.
Who are Mr. Gentry and Mr. Alaman?
This student likes to write poetry that torments the soul, but shows flashes of brilliance.
Who is Juan Martinez?
In this classroom, there is a picture of the beautiful red rocks of Utah.
What is Mr. Peterson's classroom
This trip involves work experience. We visited this place and learned about selling cars. We got to go behind the scenes and witnessed many different types of jobs.
What is Guarantee Chevrolet
This person is very friendly and kind, and can rule the stage with power and energy during musical performances.
Who is Mr. Leonard?
This person dances better than Michael Jackson, never sings off key when singing happy birthday, and if you touch this person's hair you might be kicked with Bruce Lee like power!
Who is Mr. Shanks?
This person can have a broken leg and not walk or act differently.
Who is Jon DeLeon?
In this classroom, you can often find healthy cockroaches waiting to be pet by brave staff and students.
What is Mr. Leonard's room
This trip consisted of twists and turns, screaming, and the taking of many hilarious photos.
What is Knott's Berry Farm
This person is a natural athlete and runner. This student made the cross country team without ever training.
Who is Nazaret Ramirez
This person is a teacher at Godinez and is coach for our school's softball team. This person also has been on many TV shows.
Who is Mrs. LD?
This person can beat anyone in a conversation on death metal.
Who is Marcelo Cardona?
In this classroom, making a slam dunk is definitely a possibility.
What is Mr. Peterson's room
This trip will be a lot of fun. Here we may meet characters from some of our most beloved childhood movies. We may visit a land dedicated to Star Wars while nibbling on churros.
What is Disneyland
This person is from another country. This person works out all the time, and makes the best ham! She is quite the dancer as well.
Who is Mrs. Patty
This staff member uses the word "weird" in almost every sentence he or she speaks. This staff member really enjoys hiking and watching Star Wars movies.
Who is Mrs. Flores?
This student is the master of all that is "cool." Once something is "played out" he is done with it.
Who is David Aparicio?
In this classroom, you can run forever and never really go anywhere.
What is the workout room (Building 1). aka: Treadmill Island
On this day, we ate hot dogs, chips, and drank soda. Mr. Alaman, Mr. Gentry, and some dedicated students put together a rickety badminton net for all of us to enjoy. Mr. Peterson was crowned King of Badminton with a come from behind victory!
What is our summer school party!
This staff member is from Mexico, and was known as the "Spanish Girl" in school because she didn't know how to speak English at the time.
Who is Mrs. Reyes
This staff member plays guitar, only grows a beard once a year, and knows how to fix cars.
Who is Mr. Rivera?
This student loves to draw and knows a lot about Anime. This student knows how to speak some Japanese.
Who is Monique Rivera?
In this classroom, you may discover that rain brings with it not only wetness, but armies of ants that roam the walls freely and in search of snacks!
What is Mr. Peterson's room/Mr. Shank's room
On this day, Jacky volunteered to use expensive equipment that could weld metal together. George was our guide and showed us many neat tools, as well as spoke about the many opportunities in his field of work.
What is Santa Ana College Welding Program
This staff member makes sure all of our students have food in their bellies throughout the day. This person will bring gallons of tiny milk and orange juice boxes, apples, grapes, and other food items wherever she goes just in case a hungry teenager needs the replenishment.
Who is Mrs. Lomelli