Known as the "dirty snowballs of space"
What are comets?
The 4 Jovian planets in order from closest to furthest from the Sun
What are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune?
The object our solar system orbits around
What is the Sun?
The star closest to Earth
What is the Sun?
The distance that light travels in a year
What is a light-year?
The two space objects in this category that are made of rock and metal
What are asteroids and comets?
The 4 terrestrial planets in order from biggest to smallest
What are Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury?
The force that effects everything in the universe and allows it to move and operate
What is gravity?
The five colours that stars can be (bonus for naming the hottest and coldest colours)
What is blue, orange, white, red, and yellow? Hottest is blue, coldest is red
The first 5 classifications of our universe's structure
What are Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy , our Local Group and the Virgo Supercluster?
The object found in the space orbiting between Mars and Jupiter
What is an asteroid?
The feature that causes Mercury to go from freezing to burning, and Venus staying very hot
What is having no atmosphere versus having a very thick atmosphere on a planet?
The names the movement of an object orbiting on it's axis, versus an object orbiting around another object in space.
What is rotation versus revolution?
The result when the energy pushing the star outwards (nuclear fusion) is outweighed by the gravity of star pulling inwards
What is the formation of a black hole?
The name of the man-made object that has travelled the furthest in space
What is Voyager 1?
The contents of the 2 tails of a comet
What is gas and debris?
The name and location of the largest storm in our solar system
What is the Great Red Spot on Jupiter?
The 5 predictable patterns that we experience on Earth due to the rotation and revolution of the Earth.
What are the seasons, day/night, the tides, the eclipses, and the phases of the Moon?
The process that powers stars and allows them to give off heat and light (name and explain it)
Nuclear fusion, hydrogen combines to form helium in the middle of the star, this creates a lot of energy which is given off as heat and light.
The last name of the man who first predicted when a comet would become visible from Earth again
What is Halley?
The other two names and relevant locations of a meteor
What is a meteorite (when a meteor hits the ground) and a meteoroid (when a meteor is in space)
The reason rocky planets formed closer to the Sun, and the gas giants formed further away
What is gravity?
The names of the 3 non-planetary objects that orbit our Sun. Hint: think of circles
What is the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud?
Three things that would likely happen to you if you crossed the event horizon of a black hole
What is time slowing down, spaghettification, and disappearing forever?
The solar system in order from Sun to Oort Cloud, including Pluto!
What is the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Kuiper Belt, Pluto, and Oort Cloud?