Tests of The Ordeal
Lodge Events of the Past Year
OA Basics
Mini Beach Ball
If Darth Vader had undergone this test, we would not ever have known that he's Luke's father.
What is Vow of Silence?
This event took place January 10th, 2016, and no, it was not at Quark's Restaurant.
What is the Winter Banquet?
To join the OA as a youth you must do this for 15 days and nights, bonus points if you do it on Endor.
What is Camp?
Mini Beach Ball didn't come from Outer Space, he was actually found at one of these, a gathering of all the lodges in our section.
What is a Conclave?
Jabba the Hutt wouldn't of survived this test. Klatooine paddy frogs are his favorite food, and they weren't served to you.
What is Scant Food?
Unless we were zapped back in time, it's the event we are at right now.
What is the May Inductions Weekend?
Ligonians have the Code of Honor, a secret code that they live by. Arrowmen have this.
What is the Admonition?
This avid Sci-Fi fan and Vigil Honor Brother is Mini Beach Ball's closest friend.
Who is Alex Agostini?
George Jetson wouldn't be comfortable undergoing this test, he's used to sleeping on his space bed.
What is Spending Night Outside in Isolation?
This event's theme this year was Star Wars, but May took it a step further.
What is the October Inductions Weekend?
The Force was strong with this one, when he created the Order of the Arrow
Who is E. Urner Goodman?
At this event, Mini Beach Ball suffered a similar fate as Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi.
What is the Camping Expo?
Some may say that Stormtroopers undergo this test every day. Instead of an Elangomat however, they have Emperor Palpatine.
What is Arduous Labor?
This event was run by the interstellar duo of Chris Fuentes-Padilla and Jude Walter.
What is the April Inductions Weekend?
Scientists just discovered a new alien race, the Wingolauchsik. If they are anything like their name suggests they are all this.
What is cheerful?
If Mini Beach ball got Bars on his sash and then went to Mars in a blast, he would have received this honor.
What is Brotherhood?
S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to get Captain America to leave his ordeal, however the only person that can choose to quit the ordeal is this one.
Who is the Candidate themselves?
This event featured Indians, but no space cowboys. What a Shame.
What is the Indian Seminar?
It's not as cool as a beam of light, but during the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony he shoots an arrow.
Who is Kichkinet?
Mini Beach ball doesn't have his head up in space when he embodies Witahemui, or this, at various events.
What is Service?