The direction that points directly towards the geographic North Pole
What is True North?
The shelter type that has only one side covered
What is a lean-to?
The material we used on our cotton to keep it lit longer
What is Vaseline?
The key element of a map that displays the name?
What is a title?
The method to determine whether or not kindling is dry and will burn
What is the snap test?
The proper outdoor Ed term used to describe the angle of one's travel
What is a bearing?
The type of shelter built around a tree that has fallen over
What is a fallen tree shelter?
Easily combustible material sparked into to start a fire (answer is not cotton ball)
What is Tinder?
The Key component of a map that helps determine distance between 2 points?
What is a scale?
True or False : it is ok to burn synthetic materials that are not considered to be natural
What is False?
The measure of the compass adjustment made in Sylvan Lake to find True North
What is +13 Degrees / 347 Degrees?
The type of shelter made in a conical shape popularized by indigenous groups
What is the Teepee?
The natural material used to gradually build up a fire
What is Kindling?
The key element of a map that defines the meaning of the displayed symbols
What is a legend?
Structure/shape of kindling set up used to make a fire burn higher
What is Teepee/Pyramid?
The saying used to describe the red northern needle being in alignment with the red northern arrow
What is Red in the Shed?
The 2 most important factors in successful shelter building that we were graded on
What is Structure and Insulation?
The metal materials scraped together to start fires
What is flint and steel/fire rod/fire striker?
A set of coordinates recorded along ones route determining different stopping points
What is a waypoint?
Adjustment made to a cotton balls to allow it to better catch sparks
What is increasing surface area?
The term for the angle between Magnetic North and True North that we adjust for on our compasses
What is angle of Declination?
The shelter type with both sides covered that resembles a tent
What is an A frame?
Type of vegetation best used in signal fires to create the most smoke
What is spruce bows/pine needles?
The lines found on a map that help determine geographical elevation
What is contour lines?
What is fuel, oxygen and heat?