Three items needed to start a fire.
Tools used to guide you in the wilderness.
Large Animal you are most likely to spot while in the woods.
What are deer.
What should never be kept in your tent.
What are things with scent/food?
The year you are eligible to achieve your LBP award.
When is the last year of Guides?
The outermost layer of a tent.
What is a fly?
The outermost layer of a Bedroll.
What is a Tarp.
An animal that may chew through the lining of your tent.
What are mice?
The best lightweight form of food for hiking or camping.
What is freeze-dried food?
The holiday on February 22nd.
What is World thinking day, or Lord an Lady Baden Powell's joint birthday.
The direction the sun rises from.
What is the East?
What is 15-20%?
Large animal that eats fish and berries.
What is a bear?
Where food should be stored while camping.
What is in a tree or a bear safe cannister?
The year Girl Guides was founded.
When is 1909?
The meaning of leave no trace.
What is not leaving anything behind?
The most common cause of hypothermia while in the woods.
What is exposure to wet and cold conditions?
An winged animal that comes out at night, with 7 species living in Alberta.
What is a bat?
Tool used to make water potable.
The Girl Guide promise.
What is 'I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada, I will take action for a better world and respect the Guding law'.
The maximum altitude you can camp at before experiencing altitude sickness.
What is 10,000 feet?
The meaning of the acronym GPS.
What is the global positioning system?
The animal who kills the most humans per year.
What is a mosquito?
The ideal distance between your campsite and any water source.
What is 200 feet?
The prominent monarch that was a part of guiding.
Who is Queen Elizabeth?