General Questions
Planning Skills
Campsite Selection
Conservation and Navigation Skills
Group Dynamics
What are 3 reasons for participation in outdoor recreation?
stress management/relaxation; enjoyment, challenge and excitement; social interaction; appreciation of the environment; health and fitness.
What does environmental planning involve?
Checking weather forecasts, informing a responsible person or authorities of the trip.
What are three important considerations when selecting a campsite?
Availability of water for drinking, cooking and washing; avoid camping under large trees, not too close to overhanging cliffs or rock faces; not too close to creeks or river beds; avoid insect nests.
What does 'leave no trace camping' mean?
Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos; take out rubbish; minimal impact bushwalking; stay on trails; keep group sizes small; keep quiet; only use wood found on ground; no bush bashing; respect the wildlife, flora, fauna.
What are 3 of the 4 leadership styles?
Autocratic, laissez-faire, strategic non-intervention, democratic.
What does self sufficiency refer to?
Spending time away from modern conveniences and providing the basic needs of life such as finding shelter, collecting water and preparing meals.
What is a risk assessment? Give an example for canoeing.
Identifying potential dangers and management strategies. Example is possible drowning and minimising the risk by ensure participants are good swimmers and have received adequate instruction.
How far should gas or fuel stoves be from tents?
At least 1metre.
What are contour lines?
They indicate the slope of the land. The closer together the lines are the steeper the gradient.
What is a strength of the strategic non-intervention leadership style?
A strategic non-intervention leader observes from a distance and steps in only if the situation is becoming dangerous. This promotes team work and group decision making.
Outline the treatment of a snake bite.
DRSABCD, apply a pressure immobilisation bandage starting just above the fingers or toes and going as far up the limb as possible; don't wash venom off the skin or elevate the limb. Don't move casualty.
Give 3 food and water considerations.
Nutritious, easy to transport/carry, cooking, removal of waste, no tins, won't go off or spill in bag, 3/4L water per day (includes cooking as well as drinking).
How far should tents be from the campfire?
10 metres
Describe how to construct an emergency shelter out of natural materials.
Find large rock or cave. Find an area protected from the elements (eg behind a fallen tree) and secure a tarp or ground sheet over self and gear. Secure with rope, pegs and rocks. Alternatively secure a fly between 2 trees.
What are the stages of group development?
Forming, storming, norming, transforming
What is the treatment of a sprain or strain?
Provide 10 resources for safe participation (i.e equipment list).
Backpack, waterproof liner, sleeping bag, tent, mat, tent, utensils, trangia and fuel,fire lighting kit, torch, toilet paper and trowel, first aid supplies, food, sunscreen and hat, aeroguard, water, boots, thermals, underwear and socks, wet weather jacket, shorts, t-shirts, jumper, tracksuit pants, toilettries.
What are the guidelines for human waste disposal?
35m from water supply; trench should be dug 25cm deep; place dirt over waste after every use; bury or burn toilet paper; wash hands.
What should you do if you are lost?
Stop and don't panic; find shelter; refer to the map; retrace steps; stay together; keep a fire going; conserve energy; set up shelter; stay where you are; listen for voices; start rationing food and water; use emergency signalling (3 whistle blasts at regular intervals).
Identify methods of resolving conflict.
mediation; negotiation; active listening; compromise; collaboration.
What is the treatment for hypothermia?
DRSABCD. Stop heat loss by getting person out of the cold environment and into warn shelter. Remove wet clothes, and replace with dry ones. Warm them up (body to body contact under dry blankets, clothing or towels. Give warm drink. No alcohol.
What needs to be considered when travelling on private land or national parks?
Booking of campsite; permission from land owner; entry permit, leaving area clean, closing gates, respecting flora and fauna; following rules and regulations in regards to fires.
What is a tree fall evaluation?
Looking at the camp site and ensuring that the camp area selected is clear of overhanging branches or nearby trees.
What should you do if you are caught in a bushfire?
Cover skin; dampen clothes; drink fluids; use a damp cloth over face; stay low; find something hollow eg cave or wombat hole; seek a stream; stop, drop and roll if you catch on fire; be aware of the wind direction; don't panic.
Define the term 'self-efficacy'.
Self-efficacy is your perception of your own abilities. It can determine a person's effectiveness as a group member and can also develop considerably throughout an outdoor experience.