How far is the sun from the earth?
150 million km.
What is the types of our galaxy?
Spiral galaxy
What are Black holes?
An object in space that swallows everything that get to close to it. Nothing, Not even light can escape a black hole.
How big is the observable universe?
93 billion light years.
What are the 8 planets in the solar system?
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune.
What is the largest known galaxy?
Ic 1101
What is the largest known black hole?
Phoenix A*
How many galaxies in the observable universe?
At least 100 billion or 3 trillion
Are there planets out of the solar system?
Yes. Scientists call these planets “exoplanets”.
How big is our milky way galaxy?
100,000 to 200,000 light years.
Do black holes die?
Yes, according to a theory that something known as hawking radiation can make a black hole evaporate.
What is beyond the whole universe?
It could be nothing BUT It could also be another universe.
What is the distance between our solar system and the heart of the galaxy?
Roughly 26,000 light years.
How long does it take for our solar system to orbit the center of the galaxy?
225 to 250 million earth years?
What is the black hole era?
The black hole era is a phase of the universe that will start in Duodecillions of years from now.
What is A Red giant star?
It is a large, reddish star in the final stage of its life.
What type of star is the sun?
A G-type yellow dwarf or a G2V star.
What is at the center of our milky way galaxy?
A supermassive black hole named “Sagittarius A*”.
How are black holes formed?
Some form by a massive star collapsing.
What era is the current universe in?
Stelliferous Era.