Fox News Terminology
Media Personalities
Documentary Details
Media Critique
Corporate Influence

What term is often used in the documentary to describe Fox News' claim of presenting balanced news coverage?

What is "Fair and Balanced"?


This Fox News personality, known for his conservative commentary, is often criticized in the documentary for promoting a specific political agenda.

 Who is Sean Hannity?


Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" explores the alleged biases of a specific news network. Which network is the focus of this documentary?

 What is Fox News?


 In "Outfoxed," what is the main critique leveled against Fox News regarding its approach to presenting news?

What is alleged "Bias"?


 In "Outfoxed," the documentary explores the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. What is the name of Murdoch's media corporation?

What is News Corporation?


In the documentary, what phrase does Fox News frequently use to brand its news coverage, suggesting a no-nonsense approach?

 What is "We Report, You Decide"?


In "Outfoxed," this former Fox News host is shown in various clips expressing controversial opinions and contributing to the network's conservative narrative.

Who is Bill O'Reilly?


In what year was "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" released?

What is 2004?


The documentary suggests that Fox News lacks a fundamental journalistic principle in its reporting. What is this principle?

What is "Objectivity"?


 "Outfoxed" raises concerns about the concentration of media ownership. How does the documentary suggest this concentration can impact news reporting?

What is a potential lack of diversity in perspectives?


This term is used to describe a graphic or on-screen text that provides additional information during a news segment. Fox News is criticized for using it to convey opinions.

What is a "Chyron"?


This Fox News anchor, featured prominently in the documentary, later became a vocal critic of the network's practices.

Who is Shep Smith?


Who is the director of "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism"?

 Who is Robert Greenwald?


"Outfoxed" criticizes Fox News for allegedly framing news stories to align with a specific political ideology. What term is often used to describe this framing?

What is "Spinning"?


According to the documentary, what is one way in which corporate ownership may influence editorial decisions at news outlets like Fox News?

What is shaping news narratives to align with corporate interests?


 In the documentary, Fox News is accused of using this term to discredit information or news stories that do not align with their conservative agenda.

What is "Liberal Bias"?


 In "Outfoxed," this Fox News host is criticized for using sensationalist language and contributing to the network's perceived lack of objectivity.

Who is Geraldo Rivera?


 The documentary features internal memos from Fox News instructing anchors and reporters on how to cover certain news stories. What term is often used to describe these memos?

What are "Talking Points"?


According to "Outfoxed," what is the potential impact of biased news reporting on public discourse?

What is "Polarization"?


 "Outfoxed" suggests that corporate influence in media can lead to a lack of independence in journalism. What term is often used to describe this compromised independence?

What is "Corporate Interference"?


 Fox News is known for using a particular animal to describe a person who switches their political allegiance. What is this term?

 What is a "Flip-Flopper"?


 This former Fox News contributor and political commentator, highlighted in the documentary, later became a key figure in the Trump administration.

Who is John Bolton?


"Outfoxed" highlights the employment of a specific phrase that reflects Fox News' claim of providing unbiased news coverage. What is this phrase?

 What is "Fair and Balanced"?


 The documentary suggests that Fox News is less concerned with providing news and more focused on promoting a particular viewpoint. What term is used to describe this approach?

What is "Advocacy Journalism"?


the documentary highlights the impact of corporate ownership on the diversity of news coverage. What concerns are raised regarding the potential consequences of limited diversity?

What is a potential compromise of journalistic independence and a lack of diverse perspectives?
