MKV Eligibility
Unaccompanied youth
T or F: UY
MKV Rights
T or F:MKV Rights

A residence that is not fixed would include these living conditions. 

What is a tent, RV, car, etc.


An unaccompanied homeless youth is defined as this.

What is a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and lacking a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence?

True or False: A student who runs away from home would not be eligible for MKV because they willingly left the home.

What is false? It doesn't matter why the student is not residing in the home.


The right to transportation may be implemented through any of these methods. 

What are buses, vans, public transportation, gas cards, gas mileage reimbursement, or whatever is adequate for the family.


True or False: When determining which school the student should enroll in, it is generally assumed that they should remain enrolled in the district of origin.



Sleeping in multiple locations throughout the week would deem a living situation as this.

What is irregular?


In PA, the age range for UY is this.

What is birth to age 22. 


True or False: An UY is eligible to receive verification of their independent status for the FAFSA application.

What is true?


A student experiencing homelessness may attend either of these school districts.

What is the district of residence and the district of origin?


True or False: MKV students will only receive free school meals if their family falls within the income level requirements. 

What is false? This is an automatic right.


In addition to determining the eligibility of the residence, this must have occurred to deem a family MKV eligible.

What is a precipitating event?


As an independent student, an unaccompanied youth is able to do this without a parent or guardian.

What is enroll, sign for themselves, or complete the FAFSA?


True or False: An UY would not be allowed to participate in a school sport if their parent was unable or unwilling to sign the form. 

False - the student has the right to participate fully in the school program, including extracurriculars. 


If a district denies a family eligibility or enrollment the family has the opportunity to do this. 

What is dispute?


True or False: There is a time limit on how long a student can be considered homeless. 

False - homelessness can continue over several years in many cases. MKV eligibility is re-determined annually. 


An inadequate home could broadly be determined by this.

suitability for human habitation (space in the home, presence of infestations, lack of heat, water, and electricity)


UY have the right to participate in this type of program to help keep the student on track to reach graduation. 

What is a credit recovery program?


True or False: If a UY is living with a caregiver who is not their legal guardian, that guardian will need to pursue a notarized guardianship affidavit to continue housing the student for an extended period of time.

What is false, there is no such requirement. Guardians are not required to obtain guardianship affidavits for these circumstances. 


Students experiencing homelessness need to be enrolled in school ___________, even if they lack ________________________. 

What is immediately and documents required for enrollment. 


True or False: A student experiencing homelessness has the right to receive transportation to extracurricular activities, even if the school does not typically offer it for other students. 

What is true. 


A student identified as experiencing homelessness can fall into any of these 4 categories of nighttime residences.

What is... 

Unsheltered/substandard housing


Doubled-up/Living with family members or friends

Shelter/transitional housing


If an unaccompanied homeless youth has an IEP and does not have any contact with their legal guardian, this support needs to be assigned to the student. 

What is an educational surrogate?


True or False: A district may contact an UY's temporary caregiver regarding their educational record if the student agrees to this and there is no parental involvement. 

What is true? This is allowable under FERPA as this individual is acting in the place of a legal parent/guardian. 


Like every student in the United States, students experiencing homelessness have the right to a ____, ___________, and ______ education. 

What is a free, appropriate, and public education?


True or False: In a case where the parent and UY disagree about which school the student should enroll, the school must prioritize the wishes of the parent.

False, MKV states that schools must prioritize the wishes of the UY over the parent/guardian.
