Who are Ponyboy's brothers
Darry n Sodapop
What are Greasers
poor kids
Name the Curtis Family
Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry
What are Socs
Rich kids
Do Johnny's parents care for him
What does Ponyboy think about in the beginning of the story.
Pual Newman
What do Greasers use to survive
What is ponyboys mom's name
Mrs Curtis
Cherry Valance
What did one Soc say to Ponyboy before the other Socs beat him up
Need a haircut Greaser
Are greasers wild
How did Ponyboys parents die
How do socs harass greasers
by beating them up
Where do Pony and Johnny go to to hide from the police.
Does Darry show his love for Ponyboy
Barely and he always scolds Ponyboy
Which side do greasers live in
The east
What is Sodapop's horses name
Mickey Mouse
Which side do socs live in
the west
What did Johnny do to Bob
he killed him
Who does Ponyboy protect
Cherry Valance
Name all the greasers
Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Johnny, Dally, Two Bit, Tim Shepherd,
Is Darry like a father figure
Name all the socs
Randy, Bob, Cherry, Marcia
What was Bob about to do to Ponyboy
Drown him