How long did Ponyboy and Johnny spend in the Chuch
5 days
Why is Johnny in the Hospital?
Got his spine broken while trying to save the children in the burning chuch
Who is Johnny
The person ponyboy spent his time at the chuch with
What is the big fight that both teams are doing?
The Rumble
Why is Sodapop upset about Sandy?
Sodapop writes to her, but his letters return unopened. Darry tells Ponyboy that the baby isn’t Sodapop’s, and that Sandy “didn’t love him like he thought she did.”
What happened to the church?
Burned down
Why is Dally in the hospital?
Got mild burns while trying to save Johnny
Who is Ponyboy
Main Character/Protaganist
What did the Socs do to Ponyboy?
try to drown him
Why do Cherry and Ponyboy talk about sunsets?
When they first meet, Ponyboy tells Cherry that even though they aren’t members of the same social class, she should not forget that “some of us watch the sunset too.” Ponyboy is embarrassed when Cherry admits she doesn’t want to be seen with greasers, so he seeks to prove that he too has an appreciation for beauty, despite his social status. Later in the novel, Ponyboy and Cherry discuss sunsets again, agreeing that their beauty can be seen from both the West Side, where the Socs live, and the East Side, where greasers live.
Why did Ponyboy and Johnny stay in the church?
to avoid being arrested by the police for killing
What is happening that Johnny and Dally cant participate in
Who is Darry
Father Figure for Ponyboy, Soda
True or false, Did pony get jumped at the start of the book
What is the court’s decision on Bob’s murder?
The judge acquits Ponyboy of the charges against him for his involvement in Bob’s murder, and closes the entire case. Despite their fears, the judge does not send Ponyboy and Sodapop to a “boy’s home,” and allows them to continue living under Darry’s guardianship. Despite this positive outcome, Ponyboy struggles to return to his normal routine, becoming absent-minded and failing his classes.
Why did Johnny leave Ponyboy alone in the church?
to get food, supplies and a book.
Who else comes to visit Johnny
his mom
Who is Sodapop
Best friend / "brother" to Narrator
How does Dally die?
The policemen kill Dally.
After the fight in the park, where does Dally suggest that Ponyboy and Johnny to go to hide?
What did Ponyboy and Johnny receive during their time in the church?
a message
Who does johnny not want to see?
his mom
Who is Cherry
Sodapops romantic intrest
What do Johnny’s last words mean?
“stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.