Important Events
Dead Guys
Curtis Brothers

what does the theme violence is never the answer mean?

The theme violence is never the answer means that violence will never solve your problems in the story outsiders. For example, they think the rumble will make things better but instead Johnny and Dally die not long after it.

Who does Ponyboy run away with?


Name every person listed as dead in the story

Bob (#1), Johnny (#2), Dally (3#) & The Curtises parents (#4)


What conflict is there between two large groups? (They are different social classes)

The Greasers V.S. the Socs, who have many conflicts including the rumble throughout the book.


What are the names of all three Curtis brothers?

Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry


What does the theme don't judge a book by its cover mean in outsiders and what's one example?

Not everyone is as they seem, and for example Cherry and Randy are different from the Socs and Pony is different than the other Greasers


Who does Johnny kill and why?

Bob, because him and his friends tried to drown Ponyboy. 


How does Dally die?

He gets shot by the police after robbing a store and pulling out a gun in front of them.


After the death of Bob what do Ponyboy and Johnny have to do?

Go to Dally for help to run away.


What is the Curtis brother's hair like?

Greasy, long, sometimes slicked back


What does the theme about stereotypes mean?

Not everyone should be steryotyped as you see them or based on their social class, because it's not what matter, who you are on the inside as a person does.


Who gets beat up before the story starts, and does it affect anything? 

Yes, Johnny does, and ever since then he carried around a switchblade that he kills someone with. And this leads to him running away and dying.


How did Johnny die?

Johnny dies after being severely injured in a fire he and Ponyboy went in to save a bunch of little kids trapped inside.


Who does someone attack and kill that leads to futher conflict.

Johnny kills Bob in self defense because him and his buddies try to drown Ponyboy, this leads to further conflict.


What is Soda's dream?

To own a horse


 What does the theme nothing good stays gold mean?

Nothing good, or things that you appreciate (referring to the gold,) stay forever, and eventually will change. (Sometimes for the worse. 


Is there a fire and if there is where is it?

There is a fire, and it takes place at the church in which Ponyboy and Johnny go to when they run away


How does Bob affect the story?

He bullies Johnny and that leads to his eventual death, causing some of the main conflict in the story


Johnny Ponyboy and Dally have to decide whether or not to save some kids from a fire. What do they decide?

Johnny and Ponyboy go in and save them, then Dally goes in soon after to save Johnny.


Which of the brothers has nightmares after their parents death?



What's a deeper level of the theme or topic identity.

Not everyone is as you see or perceive them on the outside. It's what's on the inside, your personality that matters, your identity on the inside. For example, at times Ponyboy could seem like some tough kid but is actually a really kind soft kid in the book.


What is the result of Pony's trial?

He is acquitted and gets to stay with Darry and Soda.


How does Johnnys death impact the story?

His death causes Dally to die, and it traumatizes Pony enough to affect him for a long time.


When Johnny and Ponyboy say they are going to go back what does Johnny think he might have to do when they get back.

Turn himself in.


Who drops out/ stops going to school and why?

Darry doesn't go to college because they can't afford it and ever since his parents died, he has had two work two jobs. And Sodapop is failing school/ too dumb for it so he drops out to work in things he's good at like mechanics instead.
