said "Things are rough all over."
Who was Cherry Valance?
Greasers rescuing kids is an example of this.
What is irony?
prized possession was a switchblade
Who was Two-Bit?
this character knows everything about cars and gets apology money from his dad sometimes
Who is Steve?
the only reason Pony would fight someone
What is self-defense?
said "Two of my friends died that night; one a hero and one a hoodlum."
Who was Ponyboy?
The water is like liquid ice is an example of this
What is a simile?
This character dies a hoodlum.
Who is Dally?
this character is a spy
Who is Cherry Valance?
a breakfast favorite at the Curtis house
What is chocolate cake?
Wrote "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house..."
Who was Ponyboy?
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" is used by the author as this
What is an allusion?
this greaser could have been a Soc
Who is Darry?
this character was beaten up badly, causing him to be jumpy all the time
Who is Johnny?
Socs had their cars and the Greasers had this
What is their hair?
said "You get tough like me and you don't get hurt."
Who was Dally?
Retelling Johnny's beating from Bob
What is a flashback?
this character feels bad for disappointing his father
Who is Randy?
this character writes an essay for his English teacher
Who is Ponyboy
an example of character vs. self
answers will vary
said "Johnny and Dally were out buddies too, but you don't just stop living because you lose someone."
Who was Darry?
"Let them in, it can't hurt now" said the doctor is an example of this
What is foreshadow?
this character just wanted to be told NO
Who is Bob?
this character is upset when his girl returns a letter he wrote her, unopened
Who is Soda?
author of the book
Who is SE Hinton?