What is stress?
It is a normal part of life, it helps us to be alert and careful will usually go away after the event
What is a Generalized Anxiety Disorder [GAD]?
Excessive & persistent anxiety that can be about money, family, work, relationships, it can range from mild to severe
Panic disorders affect only:
2-3% of adults and interferes with everyday life
Name some triggers for anxiety?
Chronic pain conditions, social stresses and work stresses
Which house character voices Aladdin?
Severe stress affects:
Your health
Severe anxiety is when:
It happens outside of your control, it is completely debilitating
What is the difference between anxiety and Panic attacks?
Anxiety- gradually buids up, is triggered by something, can be for long peroids of time
Panic attack-Is sudden and extreme, without a trigger, intense & disruptive, subside after about 10 min
What are some other triggers for anxiety?
Memories of past trauma, withdrawl from alcohol & drugs, driving, caffiene, phobias, certain medications
What is the name of Andy's neighbor in Toy Story?
Good stress does what?
Motivates us allows us to get through challenges of life
What is mild anxiety?
You can function in society and hold down a job
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
You have disturbed sleep, irritability, muscle tension, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, worried, shaking, dizziness, fatique, nausea, numbness tingling in extremities, muscle pain,sweating
People are more likly to experience panic attacks if they are:
Have an anxious personality, another mental issue, other family members have it, has a chronic medical condition, experience a stressful event ex. divorce, loss of loved one, past trauma or witnessed a traumatic event
What is the name of Ariel's and Prince Eric's daughter?
Princess Melody
Bad stress does what?
Overwhelms us gives us health problems
Anxiety can cause long term health problems by:
Giving us headaches, making us irritable, lowers our self-confidence and worsens our memory
What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
You have chest pain, shaking/trembling, feeling of being disconnected with everything, Increased heart rate & shortness of breath, chills & hot flashes, nausea sweating,dizziness, numbness & tingling
Who is most likely to experience more panic attacksis it women or men?
How many brothers does Prince Hans of Southern Isles have in Frozen?
What kind of stress do you have?
Personal answer
When anxiety becomes overwhelming and unmanageable it becomes a:
Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks?
Personal answer
What is the treatments for anxiety or panic attacks?
Psychotherapy and medication, breathing & relaxation techniques
What are the names of hades minions in Hercules?
Pain & Panic