Rights or Not
Name that Client or N/A
True or False
Reportable or Not

A client is on a 1200-calorie diet and asks for seconds, but it will make them go over their daily calories. Can they have seconds?

Absolutely, yes. It is the clients right now make their own decisions. We can encourage them to make the right one, but cannot force them. 


I need to drink with a straw during meal times.



Staff can cancel any medical appointments if they do not feel like doing it that day.

False, only the Supervisor or RN can approve a cancellation of an appointment 


A client reports that she hates Pam because she yells at me every day.

Not reportable, however it should be documented in the Case notes to ensure the team is aware. 


PRN Stands for……

As Needed


A client is a diabetic, you are on an outing and they pick up a regular soda? Do you allow them to buy it?

Absolutely, again, you can encourage, but cannot force them. Ensure you are documenting this in their daily notes!


I can travel independently if I choose to.



Giving a medication that is due at 4pm is fine to give at 6 pm, if you forget to administer it.

False, you have a 1 hour window. If you pass this window you MUST call the RN for approval. 


A client reports that while at Program today a staff member hit her in the shoulder when she was walking by.

Not, again document in the case notes to make staff aware.


OTC PRN’s can be administered without Nurses approval. Yes or No

Yes, when you need to administer the 4th dose of a PRN you must call RN


A client is having a behavior where they are throwing things and cursing staff out. Later in the shift there is a planned outing, but the staff says given your behavior earlier you cannot attend the outing. Is the appropriate or inappropriate?

Inappropriate, you cannot PUNISH a client. If the client is in a safe place and in control they have the RIGHT to attend the outing like everyone else.


I need prune juice every day to keep me regular?



Giving to much attention to a client when they are having a rough time, can increase the behavior?

True, giving attention during a behavior that has not decreased with attempts provided in the BSP is providing Negative Attention and enforces the behavior. 


As the week goes on the same client reports, that the same staff member hit her in the shoulder again, in fact every day and then gives her a nasty look.

Yes, to Supervisor and Clinician. This will launch more exploration of the incident to identify if it is considered Abuse. 


Controlled PRN’s need who’s approval 1st before administering them?

Clinician and RN


A client asks for coffee, but it’s not the normal scheduled time they typically have it. Do you give it to them or make them wait?

Give it to them, it is their right. Tip: If you can do it without asking someone, why can't our clients!


If I fall I am taken to Urgent Care or the Hospital to be seen immediately? 



It is okay to take a personal call while you are working on shift with our clients.

No, if you need to take a personal call you should be informing the staff on shift with you and excuse yourself away from the clients to handle your call. 


You are doing your rounds and you can’t find a client. They have a history of elopement so you check outside. You catch the client about to step off the driveway, but you get their attention and they come back. Do you report the incident or do you brush it off since the client did not leave the property?

Report the incident to your Supervisor and Clinician. Ask yourself "Is this a displayed behavior by the client", document the incident!


How many days before a medication runs out should you call for a refill?

At least 7


A client is allergic to fish, but at dinner you see your client take a piece of fish from a peer. Do you allow the person the right to eat it? Yes or No

No, why, because now this is a matter of life or death. Their reaction could be so severe it causing anaphylaxis, which could result in death. 


I am on a 40oz fluid restriction, per day?



It is okay to go spend a client’s money on items that they want, without the individual being present.

Absolutely not, you should never take a clients money and go shopping for them. They have the right to chose what they want to spend there money on. Even though you may think you know what they want, the client MUST be present.


A staff member is talking to you about a client that reported a staff member on the earlier shift hit her, the client shows you a bruise that is reported to be in the area the staff member hit them. What do you do with this information?

Call your Supervisor. Would you report this to the justice center (discuss)?


What does ABC stand for?

A: Antecedent- what happened right before the behavior.

B: Behavior- what was the behavior

C: Interventions used (verbal counseling is not enough, what did you say or do that helped)
