Name the high school which Archbishop graduated.
Dougherty Comprehensive High School
Longest standing Supervisor in COP
Supervisor Janice R. Whitehead
According to Titus 1:2, what can God NOT do?
Where was the first Holy Convocation held?
Heritage House - Albany, GA
True or False: Joy Temple of Lenox is older than Celebration of Praise Ministries, Inc.
FALSE! COP was birthed in January 1991. JT Lenox was founded March 1992
What other city has Archbishop resided besides Albany?
Columbus, GA
Identical by Nature, Opposites by Nurture; have a love for Music. Who are they?
Minister Aaron & Brother Jaaron Mack
Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job?
This role is responsible for assisting the advancement of COP's mission. Serves as the "eyes, ears and voice" of the organization by sharing information with the community about the organization's needs and activities.
National Media Director - Sister Jennifer Bailey
True or False: The place where we Enter to Worship and Exit to Serve is the motto for Joy Temple of Jacksonville
FALSE! Greater Joy Cathedral
Archbishop is the godson of two late Presiding Bishops. Bishop J.L. Litman and Mother Shirley Litman. Who was the other?
Bishop William & Mother Rebecca Bryant
Serves as the Church Administrator of Greater Joy Cathedral and physical gets hot when the Holy Ghost is upon them (lol)
Mother Gloria Thomas
Name the body of what that Jesus walked on
Sea of Galilee
This role is responsible for conducting workshops and teachings on ministerial etiquette, demeanor, decorum, attire, credentials, discipline and church order
Minister of Protocol - Bishop Kenny Yarbrough
Name the first Jr. Deacon that Archbishop ever ordained.
Jr. Deacon Robert Gloster
What is the name of the theological seminary Archbishop received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees?
Jacksonville Theological Seminary
A former Pastor who served in Orlando, FL but is now a member of Joy Temple Jacksonville
Overseer Tabatha Anderson
What is the only Historical Book in the New Testament?
This role shall deal with individuals who have experienced an immediate crisis or trauma; also serves as the point of contact for Communion and Baptism
National Chaplain - Overseer Deneice Brown
Who was the first major artist Archbishop hosted at Holy Convocation?
Pastor John P. Kee
Name one of the Bishops who consecrated Archbishop as a Bishop in 1990
Who is the oldest member of Celebration of Praise Ministries, Inc. at the age of 96?!!!
Bishop Virgil Cyrmes
What is the last word in the Bible?
This role is responsible for the curriculum of COP EVOLVE. Shall plan and implement motivational activities for youth to stimulate and encourage critical thinking and christian education
National Youth Superintendent - Evangelist Ebony Cooper
What major female preacher expressed COP Holy Convocation was the first time she preached as a keynote speaker in the early 90s?
Evangelist Dorinda Clark-Cole