What was the name of the first Christian martyr?
Philip preached Jesus to a eunuch from which African country, after which he baptized him for his belief in Christ?
What major event takes place in Acts 15, with many important Christian figures present, which confirms that salvation is not earned by keeping the Mosaic law but by put putting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and being saved by God's grace?
The Jerusalem Council
Who warned Paul of the conspiracy of the 40 Jewish men who sought to kill him while he was a prisoner in Jerusalem?
His nephew
To which city was Paul heading when he was struck down by a heavenly sunlight?
What was the name of the Feast at which the disciples received the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues so that Jews from every language could hear the message preached?
What was the name of the Gentile centurion to whom God sent Peter for to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In what city does Paul spend two years preaching/teaching, the seven sons of Sceva try to exorcise evil spirits, and a great riot results in an angry and religious mob yelling for two hours in a theatre?
What was the name of the High Priest of the Sanhedrin who commanded Paul to be smitten in the mouth?
Who, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, wrote the book of Acts?
Fill in all of the blanks: "But ye shall receive ________, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be ______________ unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all __________, and in Samaria, and unto the _________________ part of the earth." (Acts 1:8)
power; witnesses; Judaea; uttermost
Who laid his hands on Paul to restore his vision?
Bonus points if you name all three.
To what city is Paul sent to undergo a series of trials by Roman authority?
What was one of the main headquarters of the Gentile church, from which Paul was first sent out as a missionary?
Antioch (Syria)
What were the names of the man and wife who, as Peter said, lied to the Holy Ghost about the money they sold their land for, and because of it dropped dead?
Ananias and Sapphira
Name one of the two sorcerers which come face-to-face with the gospel (one dealt with Peter, one dealt with Paul).
Bonus points if you name them both.
Simon (Acts 8) and Elymas, or Barjesus (Acts 13)
In what city does Paul receive the vision of the man from Macedonia, after which he begins his missionary journey into Europe?
What was the name of the island where Paul and his entire crew shipwreck due to the storm Euroclydon?
Malta or Melita
To whom was the book of Acts specifically addressed in chapter 1, verse 1 of Acts?
Who made the following quotation, found in Acts 5:38-39, "...Refrain from these men [the apostles], and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."
In what city is Paul and Barnabas mistaken for gods, only for Paul to be later stoned?
Fill in the blanks for the verse found in Paul's sermon at Mars' Hill: "And the times of this ignorance God __________ at; but now _______________ all men every where to _________."
winked; commandeth; repent
Which Roman official interrupts Paul during his final testimony in Judaea, telling him, "Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad."
What was the name of the prophet who, in Acts 11, warned of a great coming dearth (famine), and in Acts 21, prophesied of Paul's arrest in Jerusalem.