July 22, 2014
What is the date President Barack Obama signed WIOA into law (WIOA was a bi-partisan effort and is authorized until 2020)
K-12 ELPs
What is the source where adult ed ELPs were drawn from.
Reading, Writing, Listening/Speaking, and Language
What are the four strands of the CCRS ELA standards
This conversational approach gets students, even beginners, communicating quickly through guided conversations and structured dialogs.
What is Side by Side
Rumor has it this test is being revised for 2018
What is Casas
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
What are the core programs of the workforce development system integrated into WIOA formerly known to many as the Workforce Investment act.
True or False: The ELPs take the place of CCRS
What is False? The ELPs were developed to help ELs access content and build academic and career focused language but do not replace CCRS.
1. Engage with Complex Texts 2. Extract and Employ Evidence 3. Build Knowledge
What are the three key instructional shifts that shape more rigorous instruction. It's no longer about fluffy readings that allow you to express your feelings. Students need content based readings that allow them to interact with the materials at a higher level.
This model is concerned with the types of tasks we ask learners to do and the level of analytical skills required to complete those tasks.
What is Webb's Depth of Knowledge
Strategic vision and goals, operational elements to support the strategy, and alignment of content standards for adult education with state- adopted content standards
What are the elements of the 4-yr Unified State Plans for core programs required by WIOA. You heard it, every state requesting WIOA funds needed to file a plan. This is public record and available on your state's DOE website.
True or False: Level descriptors for each ELP Standard are aligned to ESL levels
What is False, they do not align, to acknowledge the fact that teachers need to apply one or a few levels within a standard to differentiate instruction in classes because students have different levels of skills within the same class.
“Research shows that the current gap in complexity between secondary texts and college/career texts is roughly four grade levels.”
Who is Susan Pimentel, architect of the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. We have to ask ourselves, how can we close the gap for learners?
This picture dictionary and workbook develops students’ vocabulary to meet the new integrated English literacy and civics curriculum goals of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
What is English for Workplace, Civics, and Academic Readiness by... Molinsky & Bliss!!!
True or False: There is a one-to-one alignment between the ELPS, CCRS and NRS levels
What is false, there is not an alignment, the standards address different supporting elements of what learners need and to dovetail.
Integrated Literacy & Civics Education Workforce Prep Integrated Education & Training
What are the three required components of WIOA funded ELA activities?
“What language does a student have?” to “What is a student able to do with language within content areas?”
What is the significant shift in the way we view English language learners and language learning
Qualitative and quantitative, locating and deploying evidence, understanding and using informational text
What are the implications of CCRS on reading: 1. Read complex texts 2. Cite evidence 3. Build knowledge through reading
Strong emphasis on skill development throughout the book with readings featuring explorers to consolidate language and ignite curiosity.
What is Stand Out
This tool outlines what language learners do with language to complete a task successfully across content areas.
What is the Functions and Forms Chart
1. Employment: second quarter after exit 2. Employment: fourth quarter after exit 3. Earnings: Median earnings of participants during second quarter after exit 4. Credential Attainment: Participants who obtain a postsecondary credential or high school diploma 5. Measurable Skill Gains: Participants in and education or training program that leads to a post-secondary credential or employment and are achieving measurable skill gains 6. Value to Employers: Effectiveness in serving employers
What are the six primary indicators of performance for core programs receiving WIOA funding at State and local levels?
Construct level-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
What is standard number 4 of the ELPs; there are 10 standards with 5 level descriptors for each.
Collaboration, revision, supporting claims, multiple text sources.
What are the implications of CCRS on writing: 1. More focus on writing process 2. Use evidence in writing
Features a flexible, integrated-skills approach that teaches practical communication in a variety of settings and is designed to develop the unique skills students need for careers and post-secondary education.
What is Ventures
Essential Work Skills, Digital Literacy, Civic Literacy, Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, and Global Literacy
What are 21st Century Skills - the combination of skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to succeed in a variety of settings, including the workplace and the post-secondary institution. 21st Century Skills include a host of new and important literacies as well as cross-disciplinary abilities, soft skills, and life-long learning skills.