OVO Plans
Direct Debits
Complaints &Feedback


1 year fixed
2 year fixed

Simpler on demand
Simpler DD


Name 5 ways we can protect our customers with GDPR

Transparency and Consent

Data Minimization

Training employees on GDPR compliance

Offering data subject rights(eg.,access,rectification,erasure)


What is a Direct Debit?


What are the benefits of a Direct Debit ? 

A direct debit is where the amount and date is the same each month.


  • customers know what is coming out for their bank each month 

  • easier to manage finances

  • don't have to worry about it    

  • customer always in credit


Who can tell us someone’s moved in?


What Info do you need to ask the customer for?


Full name


Phone number



Definition of a complaint?

If a customer tells us that something’s gone wrong, or we didn’t do something we were supposed to, we record this as a complaint.


What is charge anytime and how much do customers pay to charge their EV?

Charge Anytime is a free, type of use add-on compatible with any OVO tariff. 

Customers can choose to select this add-on at any time on their online account .

They only pay 7p per kWh to charge their EV! 


What happens if GDPR is breached?

Fines and penalties

Legal action

Reputational damage

Compensation claims


What is an agreement and what is an arrangement?

Agreement-Set up between OVO and the bank.Effectively, both OVO and the customer’s bank agree that money can be taken from a bank account by OVO.

Arrangement-The part of the Direct Debit which is decided with the customer.The customer and OVO agree on an amount and a date for the Direct Debit.


How do you cancel a COT?

 \Cancel Home Move

Using this option will take you straight to the Home Move section of KAE, where you can choose to cancel the Move In.


It’s also a complaint if the customer:

Has had to contact us about the issue more than once

Mentions the Ombudsman

Mentions their MP

Has asked to raise a complaint or requested escalation


List 1 difference between a fixed plan and a variable plan.

List 1 similarities between a fixed plan and a variable plan.

difference-Exit fees

Fixed and Rolling contract terms

similarities-Customers can have a smart meter

Greener Electricity available


What information can we accept from customers to pass data protection and access their account?

Account number

Full name

First line of address and postcode.

Phone number registered on account.

Email address registered on account.

Date of birth.


What is the direct debit amendment timeline?

7 days before the payment date. It's called the amendment deadline.


Where do you go to view the start and end dates for an account and for each supply

  • Click 'View Account in Kaluza’ at the top of the account page in Salesforce.

This will take you to the account homepage in KAE

  • Click on the 'Supply points' drop-down box on the left hand side

  • Select 'View supply point.'


Definition of a Feedback?

If the customer is unhappy with something we can’t control, or doesn't understand something, we record this and address it as feedback.


What are unit rates and standing charges?

Unit rate-Rate charged per kWh of electricity or gas consumed

Unit rates and standing charges are fixed for the length of the contract. 

Customers will have to pay an exit fee if they leave.

Generally the cheapest options for customers. 

Standing charge-Daily charge that covers the cost to maintain the energy supply network, take meter readings, and support government social and environmental schemes.


n a variable plan, rates can change.

The variable rates are set by the OFGEM Energy Price Cap.

We notify customers 30 days in advance.



Caller who cannot pass security checks can do what?

Caller who can pass security checks but not financially liable?

Caller who can pass security checks and is financially liable?

Give advice -No account info

Give info (no financial-No changes



What advise will you give to customers when amending their direct debit?

Keep an eye on your account

Give us meter readings

 (or get a smart meter on daily / HH readings)

Be aware of future reviews


What's the first thing you ask a customer that is calling to do a Cot in?

The date they received the key from the landlord/letting agent?


It’s also feedback if?

the customer’s dissatisfaction relates to policy, process or legislation that we are obliged to follow.  

In addition, feedback can be a customer’s view on our working functions or infrastructure, such as our hold music or adverts.


Pitch a plan!

  • Simpler on Demand

  • Simpler Direct Debit

  • 1 Year Fixed

  • 2 Year Fixed

  • 5 minutes to pitch your plans back to the rest of the group.


What to do when Adding a 2nd Contact?

Confirm with the account holder that they would like to add an additional contact

Take the additional contact’s full name, DOB and contact information 

Add them onto the account in Salesforce


Have a go - complaint or feedback?

You have increased my Direct debit without my permission!

I called before to update you that my wife has passed away, but I’ve received a bill in her name. I am not happy about this!

I have been waiting for over 20 minutes to get through! What’s going on? I don’t have time for this!

I have just received a bill and there is credit on my account, why it hasn’t been refunded?




