Owen has a lot of classes at Iona Prep. He has 8 if you include the morning class. But while he does have a lot of classes, he has one favorite teacher, who is that?
What is Señor Morales
Owen first got a phone in 2019. He was so excited, but he didn’t remember his phone number. What is Owen’s phone number?
What is 917-923-7134
Owen has won some championships in his career but has had some heartbreak. What year did Owen win his first championship?
What is 2021?
Owen loves football. He loves the Jets, but they haven't been able to make the playoffs since 2011. Now, the Super Bowl is occurring on Sunday, which is Chiefs vs Eagles. Who does Owen want to win?
What is Kansas City Chiefs?
Owen has had many teachers in the past 10 years, can you name his 5th grade HR teacher?
What is Ms. Hallen
Owen has a busy day. But he always ends his day when he hears the bell at?
What is 2:41
Owen has hit one HR in his time at Cooperstown. He hit very well in that tournament. In 16 at-bats, how many hits did Owen have?
What is 7?
Owen has played on many travel teams in the past. However during COVID, this team was the first team that Owen played on. What was this team?
What is High Heat Rookies
Let's see if you know Owen's friends birthdays, when is Eli Caplan's birthday?
What is May 13th?
Owen has had a lot of "girlfriends" in the past. However, there is one girl Owen likes, that he has never told anyone before (That means no Khloe)! Who is this
What is Julia Fried
Owen has long days that go for a very long time. He has very long periods in which they are?
What is 42 minutes?
Double Jeopardy!!!!! As you know, Owen eats a lot of food. He does have a favorite however, what is that?
What is Steak
As Owen has come to Iona, he has a new found sport in bowling. Sure he has had his highs and lows. But what it his high score?
What is 181
DAILY DOUBLEEE Owen has gone to many baseball games over the years. He especially went to a lot of games last year. How many stadiums has Owen been too?
What is 8?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! Owen wanted to be in the STEP program so badly. However, first he had to take biology. What was the name of Owen's biology teacher?
What is Mr. Braca
Owen has many friends at schoo. His best friend is Eli Caplan. However, his next best friend is
What is Thomas Rocco
Owen loves to go to Jacob's house a lot to hang out and have a sleepover. We always see Jacob's dog while we are there. What is the name of Jacob's dog?
What is Ginger?
Owen loves to catch. He has been a catcher since 2018 when no one else wanted to be one. If Owen didn't catch, what position would he want to play?
What is Second Base
Love him or hate him, Harry has been one of the key family members in our life. What was the exact date we got Harry?
What is February 15, 2020
Owen hasn't had a lot of girlfriends in his life, but he is working on his rizz face. Who was the only girl who admitted to liking Owen?
What is Anita
Every day for the past year and a half, Owen has gone to HR before school started. Who is Owen’s HR teacher?
What is Mr. McNulty
What is 9:17?
Owen was very excited to become a broadcaster. He called his first game for Iona with Kayden against which team?
What is St. Ray's
Owen has played a lot of video games in his career. And I mean a lot!!!! What was the first console Owen ever had?
What is the Wii
During COVID, Owen was very happy since school was officially shut down at the time. What was the last day Owen had school?
What is March 13, 2020